11: Oh, Well Played

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^^ Banjo ^^

I can't remember a time that I've felt so completely mentally and physically exhausted. Not since Lenni took me in anyway; it kinda became the default feeling while I was bouncing from place to place before she found me. I've spent most of the day fielding questions from Stacey, Liam and Adam about what's happening with Lenni. Once I'd managed to answer them to their satisfaction, Lucas started hounding me with questions about what happened to Shelby's window. I don't think he believed me for a second when I said it was an accident, but he eventually stopped asking.

I stumble through the front door and just about make it to the couch before my legs give out and I land completely ungracefully, with my legs sprawled out in front of me. I lean my head back and close my eyes, breathing out a sigh of relief, which turns into a loud squeal when Sammy decides that this is the perfect time to lick my entire face. I laugh and open my eyes, jumping when I realise Smiler and Ash are watching me from the kitchen doorway. I purse my lips and look at them, but there doesn't seem to be any tension there, which only serves to confuse me. Yesterday they were beating the crap out of each other; today they're back to being best buddies. They both have various bruises on their faces and scabs on their knuckles, but from the way they act with each other, it's easy to forget that they gave each other those marks.

"Good day at school?" Ash asks, laughing when I flip him off.

"Oh, it was fantastic. I spent the whole day being pestered about why Shelby's is missing a window and was asked repeatedly whether Lenni is single now."

"I hope you told them she fuckin' ain't!" Smiler growls, and I almost want to wind him up, but I can see the strain in his eyes as he thinks about how close he came to losing her for real.

"Obviously. Anyway, what's going on? Do I need to referee or are you guys good?" I raise an eyebrow and they both look down at their feet.

"We're good," Smiler says. "Don't you worry about any of it, alright?"

I smile and stand up, stretching. "Alright. I'm gonna shower. If I'm not out in half an hour, I've probably fallen asleep and drowned."

I ignore their laughter and have taken about three steps towards the bathroom when I hear knocking on the front door, followed by laughter that I instantly recognise as Stacey's. I groan and look back at Smiler, who simply shrugs and gestures towards the door with his head. He ignores my scowl and steps back into the kitchen, followed quickly by Ash as they leave me to open the door.

I greet Adam, Stacey and Liam with a grunt, and move back to the sofa, flopping down on it as they follow me.

"What's up with you?" Stacey asks, giggling as I open one eye to look at her.

"Tired," I mumble, groaning when I bounce slightly as Adam sits down next to me.

"What did you say to Lauren about us?" Liam asks, and I frown as I open my eyes, sitting up properly.

"What?" I ask, racking my brain to try and figure out what the hell he's talking about.

"She was giving me and Adam weird glances all day. Looking us up and down like she was trying to see through our clothes."

I laugh as I remember promising Lauren that I'd talk to the guys about the dance team. "Told her I'd see if I could get you guys to try out for the dance team. I don't get why there are only girls on it."

Liam and Adam's faces both crumple up with what could either be disgust or confusion, or both. They share a look before Adam turns his frown on me. "Why would we want to join?"

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