Chapter 2

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^^ Mia in her outfit

It is now 11 am and we just finished the meeting. Ryan just talked about the dates and gave my mom the schedule for rehearsals. We are now on the way to get fitted for tour and I am not very excited. Normally, it only takes about thirty minutes to get me fitted, but not with my mom. She always ends up arguing with the lady and telling them how ugly the outfits are or they need to be more "sexy". Like seriously I'm seventeen almost eighteen, I don't want to look like a stripper on stage.

"Olivia, how many times do I have to tell you, Mia's outfits need to be shorter than this. Why don't you do your job or else we will write a bad review about your store." My Mom says as she glares at the poor lady. 

" I'm sorry Maria, but this is the only dress we have in this color." Olivia says while looking at the ground. I swear this poor lady is shaking like a puppy after a bath. 

"Mom, I look perfectly fine in this, leave the poor lady alone." I whine while looking at myself in the mirror. 

"Perfect isn't good enough Mia." My Mom says.

 "Mom you aren't the one performing and I am comfortable in this compared to the other outfits. Now please can we go now, I'm meeting Sofia later at our house." I plead as I turn around and look at my mom.

 "Fine, but I better not see bad reviews on this ugly dress after your performance." My Mom grunts as she walks out of the store. I go to the dressing room and change out of my normal clothes.

 "I'm sorry for the trouble my mother has caused." I say as I hand her my outfit. 

"Oh it's fine, I think I'm getting used to your mom yelling at me at this point. It was my fault anyways." Olivia sighs as she grabs the dress and places it in a box along with my other accessories. 

"You should never receive this kind of treatment Olivia. Anyways I have to go before my mom drags me out of this store." I waved good bye and headed out the door.

We finally arrived back home and I could never be more excited. I see Sofia standing by the gate taking pictures of herself.

 "Hello stranger who is obsessed with themselves." I joke while hugging sofia.

 "Jeez, took you long enough. I thought I was about to die out here waiting for you." Sofia says as she hugs me back. We walk inside my house and head upstairs to my room. 

"Well it is not my fault, my mom caused another scene today while I was trying on outfits for my tour." I sighed while throwing myself on the bed. 

"AGAIN? Seriously you need to fire her as your manager. If my mom was my manager I would die of embarrassment. But seriously, your almost eighteen, you need to stop relying on your mom to make the deals for you." Sofia says as she sits down next to me on my bed. 

"You act like it was my choice for her to be my manager in the first place. If I fired my mom, she would fire me as her daughter.. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, is it bad that I don't want to be her daughter anymore?" I sit up and look at sofia. 

"It's not bad when you have a mother like Maria. No offense of course."Sofia says.

 "You know, some days I just wish that I stayed in Virginia with my dad. Life would be so much easier. Here I feel like a freaking Barbie doll, being told what say and what to wear. Always being in the public eye. I'm just lucky the paparazzi wasn't there outside the store or else we would end up on TMZ.. AGAIN. If I was with my dad, I would actually be around people who care about me, and live a normal teenage life." I sigh while reminiscing on old memories back in Virginia. 

"Mia, maybe you can!" Sofia says as she stands up. 

"Sofia, I can't just pack up my stuff and leave to Virginia. I have so many things planned this week, I can't just leave." I said. 

"Listen, after this week you don't have anything planned yet. What if I told your mom that you are going with me to Australia for a few months or so. That way you can experience the things you have never experienced. Like going to high school or I don't know repairing a car like your dad does." Sofia says while looking at an old photo of my dad and I in front of his repair shop. 

"A FEW MONTHS ARE YOU CRAZY!! Tour is in June and it's November. I have to rehearse and do interviews to promote this tour, I can't just leave." I said while giving sofia a confused look.  

"Don't worry, I got you covered okay. Your mom always listens to me because I'm the daughter she always wanted but got you instead. No offense of course. Did i mention i love you and I want what's best for you?" Sofia says while she gives me an innocent smile. 

"Uhm.. ouch? Anyways, when my mom says yes to you it will be when Zac Efron is going to come to his senses and marries me. Not gonna happen sista." I say while laying back down on the bed.

 "Even if she says yes, I can't go to Virginia as 'Mia Williams' are you crazy? You know how many people are gonna give me the special treatment in school?" I sigh while looking at the photo Sofia once looked at.

 "Don't worry, Julio, my stylist, will give you a disguise that will transform you into a whole different person. Now let me work my magic." Sofia grins while running out the door.

Welp here goes nothing .

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