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"Apparently we are shipped," He chuckled.

I giggled.

"Apparently so."

"So." He said.

"So," I said.

Déjà Vu?

It feels like 'so' was going to become like our 'always.' Not that we're an "our." That would be weird. We literally met 15 minutes ago. 

Although I'm a total flirt (and so is he, apparently), we can't be that easy, right?

"You almost got my name right. Alec and Alex are pretty similar, so you gotta get some credit." He said, interrupting my train of thought.

"I should, but then again I was wrong so I'll still buy you lunch," I replied, giving him a soft smile. 

"Fair enough. Wanna do introductions?" Alec asked, pointing at all the rest of the people in the classroom. This was a normal occurrence every week if you were paired with someone you did not know, so I nodded.

"So, my name is Alec Smith," He started, "I like... dogs and witty pick-up lines. I don't like horror movies. Also, please remember my name this time." He ended with a cute wink, to which I laughed.

"Seriously? Pick up lines?" I continued laughing and shaking my head, to which he only shrugged with an overexaggerated hmph.

"Okay my turn," I continued, "My name is Harper Chase. I like collecting stickers and stamps. And I am 100% sure I could beat you in a pick-up line battle." I ended with a smirk of myself, and he gasped dramatically.

"You did not! Is that a challenge, Chase?" He asked, giving me a determined look and I only laughed even more.

"Oh, puh-lease. We both know I'd win, guessing how many times I'm subjected to them by my desperate admirers," I gloated. And of course, I was lying. I may be pretty but that doesn't mean people try to pick me up all the time. 

He scoffed at me, and I smiled because I knew he was playing. 

"Anyway, it's a pleasure, Alec Smith," I spoke his name with emphasis, as if saying look at me, I know your name, and brought my hand forward for a friendly handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine, Chase," His smile melted me while his fingers intertwined with my own, and we slowly hooked our palms to shake our hands. 

Time passed, and we both stared at each other as our hands stayed in a gentle grasp.

This was anything but a friendly handshake.

Flirting wasn't new to me or anything. In fact, I had had my fair share of boyfriends before, considering that now, I was in my second year of high school. But, I had been single for 2 months. 

Maybe because I wasn't really interested in dating right now. 

Still, flirting with Alec seemed nice — almost rejuvenating

... Maybe I was beginning to get interested again.

"And mine is Dais Rode." A new voice interrupted our moment, and we gasped.

Our hands left each other quickly and we turned behind, to see Mr. Rode's face, just inches away. I would have screamed loudly, but I was petrified silent. His face was scary the closer you got.

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