10 † Doubt

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†"Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" - Matthew 14:31 †

//Author's note: This chapter contains violence, gore, insinuations of rape, and possible trigger warnings. Reader discretion advised.

Several months earlier.

Audrey heard the screams, the crying in the other room for the past two days.

The turmoil enough, to bring out her own.

With Abel, Audrey belonged. That girl, however, had been robbed. Like all the others, robbed, raped, tortured. Soon, she'd be killed. Just like the rest. Only Audrey had remained and by the will of Abel, by the will of his God.

Thankfully Abel and his creepy gang left, for the time being, giving Audrey the perfect chance to try and break out of here and help the other girls escape. She wouldn't be alone either. Not like all the other times, she'd tried to escape on her own.

Every time, he caught her, as if he knew she'd try to leave him. Now that the dead came back to life—just like he said they would—it presented more danger for Audrey.

Audrey knew these girls on the other side of the wall would die before the sun could leave the sky.

They never made it past the seventh day.

Today it seemed things were going Audrey's way. This would be the day, at long last, that she'd successfully escape.

She managed to find a rusty nail on one of the walls to help her break through the ropes binding her hands together. A punishment, in Abel's claim that he couldn't trust her to stay, to stay safe from the demons that roamed around outside. The wall beside the door was rotted in this old farmhouse, making it easy enough for Audrey to kick through it after breaking through what's left of it when the sound of that truck hit a fair distance. This all was too easy, but Audrey didn't care. The psychos were gone, and she was going to get them all out of there.

Upon her first step to freedom, Audrey moves to where she heard the cries all these nights.

Her first thought is to just run and get out of there, abandon those girls and think about herself, but the good spirit in her could not be dulled; no matter how much Abel had threatened to take it away from her.

She couldn't just leave those girls in there alone, to take her place, to take the place of those in the graves buried out back and in graves that trailed Abel's path across the country. A path, she'd been with him on after all this time.

The shooting and her surviving of the St. John Massacre, became a shadow in comparison to all the things she'd witnessed, and been victim to since.

Opening the door, she's terrified at the sight. After all this time, not even she had been violated to such an extent.

They were naked, bloodied, covered in body fluids that Audrey knew well where they came from. Abel, his men—the final assault Audrey hadn't yet endured. By Abel alone she'd been felt up, forced to undress, but he had yet to rape her.

These girls...identical in their looks and their condition...

She winced, unable to look at the twin teenagers any longer. Wanting to leave, to run, her shaky hands leave the doorknob and move their way only after their cried pleas for her to help them.

"Shh.. we don't have much time. I don't know when they will be back." With that Audrey started to get the ropes off of one of their hands.

She continued looking at her, trying to make sure that the coast was clear. Abel had told her all the men were leaving, but a part of her wondered if it was just another test. A test, to see if she'd leave and if she'd betray him again.

HIS EVE: The Aftermath Chronicles (Book Two)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें