Chapter 2 - Xavier

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I walked out of the elevator, through the corridors and into my office with a scowl on my face. An expression that had the ability to bring god fearing men to their knees. A look that took me almost twenty years to master if I was going to run this company and keep it thriving. But today my scowl had nothing to do with me wanting to intimidate my employees or my clients. It had everything to do with the Bain of my existence, Heather or Harper or whatever the hell her name is.

I have only been away from home for 10 years; only to get back and see that this pauper of a girl had my entire fucking family wrapped around her finger. She was as thick as a thief to weasel her way into my family's inner circle and prance around like she was one of us, but I can see straight through her - a poor little gold digger trying to find a way to get to get her hands on my family's company and money. She can bloody dream on, because there's no way that I'm going to let her further intimidate my family into thinking that she's as innocent as they think she is.

For fuck sakes, to say that she was from the wrong side of the tracks would be the biggest understatement. She lived in the shittiest part of town, willingly bought a shit box that probably cost her more to fix up then the actual purchase price, had nothing going on inside that empty head of hers and don't get me started with her fake timidity to get people like my parents to feel sorry for her. I'd seen her 'kind' before and I'd make damn sure that she never fucked my family over. I mean, what the hell had Macy been thinking when she bought her home to mum and dad. We ain't a charity and we can't go around hoping to save vultures like her.

What really pissed me the hell off is that I was stuck with her for almost thirty minutes every day driving her to and from Sutton Park Primary where she worked for another two weeks. Worst bet I'd ever lost, but I was always told that I had to follow through on my promises even if it was losing a bet as crappy as this one. Don't even get me started on our living arrangement. I had come home after a 12 hour shift and an hour gym session to see that little twit had moved into my house and I had no say because mum and dad had put their foot down and made me promise that I wouldn't say anything to upset her. I just wish that whoever the hell she hired to 'fix up' her house would hurry the hell up. I'd pay them double maybe even triple to speed up the rebuild so that she can get the hell out of my house. I contemplated finding my own place until she moved out, but I refused to be pushed out of MY parents home and you know what they say 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer' and I planned to do just that. I had to be there to make sure that she didn't steal anything from the house and that she kept things in good shape. The house itself was pretty big so I made sure I avoided her corner of it as much as possible. So far, I haven't really noticed her presence in the house which has been a blessing. I like to just go home, grab a beer or two and just unwind in front the tv watching sports or the stock markets, marking sure that Woods Finance Inc is on top of its ball game.

I can proudly say, that after running the company for 8 months our client list has increased by 85%, profits have increased by 50% and we're also looking at expanding beyond New Zealand and Australia. Maybe even tap into the European or American stock markets. One step at a time I remind myself. I don't want to shove my head too far up my ass and end up failing dad, the company and the many employees that depend on this company to put food on their families tables and a roof over their heads.

I contemplate what to prioritise on my to do list as I look out of the floor to ceiling window of my office and stare at the hustle and bustle of aAuckland city in action. I decide that I should start by answering my emails first and work my way through the list of things that I need to get done by four o'clock if I want to be on time to pick up that thorn in my backside. I huff, she can wait a little longer today if I don't manage to get things done on time.

A half hour passes by and I've still got another hundred or so very important emails to get through when there's a knock at my door.

"Come in" I yell out to whoever's at the door.

A head peeks in and I see it's Fernando, the man who works for the company in charge of organising our company ball in about two weeks time.

"Good morning Mr Woods" he chirps as he walks into my office carefully shutting the door behind him and stops just in front of my desk and takes a seat in front of me. "Have you had any time to think about what kind of theme you want this year? My boss would like to finalise the theme so she can get started on getting the decorations ordered as well as the menu" he asks.

I huff loudly. "Sorry Fernando, I've been so busy and completely forgot about this damn annual ball that dad likes to throw. How about we go with whatever the theme was last year?"

Fernando looks like I've just grown an extra head, so I sit back and wait for him to reply.

"Sir, not to be rude or anything, but that's absolute madness. You cannot repeat a ball theme two years in a row. That's just social suicide. You have what, at least 200 or 300 guests attend this ball and I'm sure they don't want to walk in and see the same old decorations, dress to the same old theme and eat the same old food. People want to dress up for a new occasion, mix and mingle with your other clients and employees and want to have an all around good time. Not attend some second hand company ball. Again sir, no offence." He dates shyly looking like he's about to choke on his tongue, so I put him out of his misery. I mean, he's right. I can't just do a repeat of last years ball, the media will probably make fun of the company and I can't have that on my conscience.

"Ok. How about this, you or your boss choose the theme, and I'll come in and choose the food you guys have to offer. As a matter of fact, I'll pay you guys triple if you plan everything the way you want, but guarantee that my guests and I will be blown away with whatever you guys decide. How does that sound?" I say in the hopes of saving myself unnecessary time trying to organise this damn ball.

Fernando looks like I've just given him the map to the holy grail. Good, that's one less job I have to worry about.

"Yes, thank you sir. You don't have to worry about a single thing. My boss is amazing at planning events and an even better cook. You will not be disappointed. This will be the best ball that this company or any other company has ever seen. Thank you so much for this opportunity. You will not regret it one bit." Fernando rambles on making me chuckle. Way to oversell it Fernando. He gets up and makes his way to the door, with dollar signs in his eyes.

"No worries Fernando, I trust you and your boss. You've planned the last three company balls and every year it seems to get better. I swear my employees cannot stop gushing about the decorations, DJ and the food that they've had at previous balls your company has organised, so I know you'll be able to pull this off. Just let my assistant know when it's a good time for me to come in and choose the menu."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir. Have a good day." Fernando claps his two hands together, bows and saunters out of my office like he's on cloud nine. I wouldn't blame the kid, I've just tripled his pay so he'll be singing my praises. I receive a message from my assistant Carrie almost two minutes later informing me that I have the food tasting three days from now which is fine and I quickly get back to work.

Six meetings with clients, four interviews and 200 or so emails later I can finally call it a day. My stomach grumbles and reminds me that I haven't eaten anything since breakfast, which consisted of a blueberry muffin and coffee that Carrie bought in and I immediately start to feel famished. I'll be stopping by the supermarket later on and buying the biggest damn steak I can find for dinner tonight. I shut off my  computer and pack up for the day.

I've just about made it to the car and thinking about what else I need to get from the supermarket when I remember that I still have one more errand to run. So I get in, slam the door shut and make my way to Sutton Park Primary school to pick up my sisters best friend. With that thought in mind, my good mood vanishes and I'm instantly angry at myself for agreeing to this stupid bet. Remind me to kick my best friend, Nathaniel's ass coming up with this stupid bet anyway.

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