Sonali Machado

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I could tell it was going to be a long day. My two very best friends, Neel and Joanne, were going on and on about Neel s birthday and some new fashion designer!
    I just wasn't much a party-lover and my fashion sense wasn't as evolved as theirs. I quickly ran out of interest when it came to the right mix and match of tops and jeans and shoes. We were meeting after a week, and I hoped the subject would change soon.
    Neel Sarathy has been my best friend since third standard. I'd stood up for him on that first day we shared one of the double desk in class. He had been a favourite target for many boys in the class. I guess that had actually toughened me up. We had been an inseparable duo until Joanne showed up in fifth standard. Then we became an inseperable trio.
      I chewed slowly on my egg puff as we walked and waited for the conversation to take a new turn. The new designer was coming to town and of course, would be hanging out at Debonaire, Neels Mom s totally fabulous outlet. All well known designers in and visiting Bangalore hung out there.                                          Pg.1
      So do you wanna come see him too? Neel asked me, breaking my trance.
         Oh, the designer guy? Is he any good?
Duh! He threw a hand up in the air, exasperated. Haven't you been listening to anything I was saying, Li? Amazing designer? Most definetly. Hot? You have no idea, girl!
          Of course. You would know. I believe you, Neel. I shook my head. What's his Name?
    Neel and Joanne rolled their eyes and replied in chorus: Akash Chaula.
      Get a grip, Li. You've got to start showing some girl instincts there. Joanne did her walking backwards thing, which she does when she wants to seriously look into a persons eyes and talk to them, which was a tiny bit annoying.
        Ya! Like the ability to grasp a hot guys name, Neel added perkily
        Oye! The instincts are there, alright? It's just ..... I looked up at Neel sheepishly- the guy was seriously tall, like almost six feet, though he was only turning sixteen next week. I am not that into fashion designers or models. I mean, some of them are seriously hot but not exactly my kind, you know,
         Chill, Li. You don't have to worry about offending me. It's just the inconsiderate majority out there who stereotype fashion as something disgusting and unproductive, that pisses me off, Neel finished off bitterly, but smiled kindly at me.
        Ah, touchy, Joanne murmured.
        We turned the corner and were at Neels place.

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