Sonali Machado (continue)

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Was he sooo psyched about me being happy or not? The part where he said me he meant no harm to me seemed to convey exactly the opposite message.
I couldn't be scared, could I ? I had never even seen the guy, Much less talked to him. He was just trying to have a laugh, right? I wished with all my heart that I could believe that. But something in me refused to believe. There's something more to this, a little part of me screamed, though I sat calmly on my chair and stared at the screen.
  The best option was to ignore him. That's what my dad would have said: ignore people who seemed to threaten you and keep as far from them as possible; this way, they will leave you alone. What if I did ignore him but he kept sending me more and more freakish and weird messages? By the looks of it, the guy didn't seem to give that up easily.
    I wondered if he was a little not right in the head. Maybe that's why he was so obsessed with my being happy or not.
And then I snapped out of my daze.
Come on, he just wanted to know if I was happy or not . what harm could that mean? I shrugged away all the scary thoughts and clicked on reply.
Hello Omi
I wondered if Hello was too formal, and if I should say Hey or Hi. But I didn't who was I dealing with so, I stuck to formal.
Its kind of a strange message that you've sent me, you know, about me being happy or not.
I guess I am happy. I mean, no sickness or death around me so far.😃
Okay. I was trying to be humorous. Was it humorous?? I swallowed nervously.
But i wanted to know why it is that you're so interested in knowing such details about me.
I was trying to sound authoritative
I thought that was enough to say. I hit the send button and watched as my message slid under his.
Okay, I couldnt take it back now. I could just wait for the reply telling me why he was sending me such weird messages.....(to be continued)

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