Chapter Fourteen

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The day after the funeral, I woke up with a headache. I groaned a little as I rolled over in my bed, glancing at the clock. It was my last day before school went back in session from spring break, and since I'd traded shifts to get yesterday off, I had to work a double shift today.

A glass of water, two little tablets, and a note on the bedside table caught my eye.

I couldn't help the smile itching at my lips as I plucked up the note to read:


Hope you got some rest. You really needed it. Thanks for coming with us yesterday, it meant a lot. And I really ended up having a great time. Take the aspirin before you even get out of bed - it'll help.

Have a good day. See you soon.


Though it wasn't a glowing letter of adoration, I was practically beaming by the time I finished reading anyway. Jacob was sweet. And kind. And thoughtful.

And...holy crap, was I falling for him?

No. I couldn't be. I was just very fond of my new great friend. There was no way it could be anything more than that. Not yet. We hadn't even been friends that long, and I was newly divorced.

So. Just friends. It was decided—no, it was reality. Now I needed to get ready for work and stop thinking so hard about Jacob freaking Black.


Later that night as I was nearing the end of my second shift, Paul walked in. "Hey, doll," he said, striding over to my register without a care in the world—not that it mattered since our one customer was currently flirting with my co-worker Tyler Crowley.

"Paulie," I greeted him.

He rolled his eyes. "That nickname. Whatever."

I snickered. "What did I do to earn the honor of this visit?"

Paul smiled, lifting his chin. "Now that's more like it. I'm here to make sure you get food and drive you home." He glanced around. "It's time for you to blow this hellhole, right?"

"Um..." I mumbled, peeking over at where Tyler was very not focused on working. "I'm not sure."

"You can go, Felicity," the manager, Adam, said as he walked over from the direction of the office. "Tyler is still here for another hour; he's got it covered." Then he walked over to presumably set Tyler back on task.

I was beyond caring what was going on with Tyler at that point, so I just told Paul I'd be right back and went to collect my stuff. In the car a few minutes later, Paul asked, "Is that Tyler guy always like that?"

My attention had been on the road ahead of us, even though I'd let Paul drive my car since I was so tired, but I raised my brows anyway. "What?"

"That guy you work with. Tyler. He always an ass who doesn't carry his weight? And for that matter, does he ever bother you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Work is fine, Paul. If Tyler gets off task, the managers have a word with him. Besides, it's not like I work with him all the time."

"Okay." Paul nodded. "And what about the other half of my question? Does he bother you?"

"No," I answered immediately, and it was the truth. He'd been annoying when I was with Elijah, but ever since we'd broken up Tyler hadn't given me a second glance—something for which I was grateful. Tyler was the kind of guy who wanted what he couldn't have. It was what made him and Mike Newton such great buds. They bonded over that crap.

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