You will

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"Everyone has to die one day. No one can outdo death and no one can cheat death. There are only few who are capable of it. They are lucky and blessed with miracle for they can be with the person they love, even if it is for a short period of time."

Jennie smiled as she read the quotation. It made her feel sad because she knew her time was less yet she never asked for more time.


She looked up from her book and saw Jisoo smiling at her.

"What took you so long? Let's go home." Jennie said as she packed her bag.

"Home? You know today's plan right?" Jisoo asked as she linked her arm with Jennie and they went out from her class.

"What plan?" Jennie asked with a confused face.

"How can you forget it? Irene will kill you." Jisoo said.

Jennie tried to remember it but nothing came into her mind.


Someone shouted gaining everyone's attention, even Jisoo and Jennie's.

They turned around to see a group of three girls screaming happily. Jennie knew them, Chaeyoung, Joy and Yeri. They were one year junior than them so they don't talk with each other.

Jennie just turned her attention to Jisoo and asked, "What is today's plan?"

Jisoo sighed, "You're so forgetful."

"Seulgi is back so we're going to surprise her!" Jisoo added.

Jennie then nodded dumbly because she had forgotten her best friend's comeback from Thailand. Seulgi was a member of the dance club and along with her, other fifteen other students were also there. The dance club had gone to Thailand for a competition and it took them 6 months. So, they were back today.

"But where are Irene and Wendy?" Jennie asked.

"They're in the dance club preparing everything. I heard that Seulgi is in the Head's office right now."

"When did the dance club arrive?" Jennie asked because she didn't see them in the morning and now the school was already over.

Jisoo dragged Jennie to the direction of the dance club.

"They arrived like 20 minutes ago and they were called by the head immediately. Thank god, Wendy saw them." Jisoo said as she sighed again.

Jennie smiled and walked slowly, her knees were already giving up and she was already breathing heavily despite the small walk. But she tried to catch up with Jisoo, who was walking way to fast.

"Irene!" Jisoo shouted as she opened the door to the dance club.

Irene looked them and smiled, "Come fast, we've done everything."

The dance club was already decorated beautifully. As expected from Irene. There were balloons up in the ceiling and a cake in the middle of the floor. Also, there was a big hand written words written on the wall, 'WELCOME BACK'.

"It's done well." Jennie said as she walked towards them admiring the simple surprise.

"Of course, I did it." Wendy said and laughed at her own words.

Jennie just shook her head and smiled.

"When will Seulgi come?" Jisoo asked them.

"We have no idea. We just have to wait and when she arrives, we will shout 'Surprise'!" Wendy explained.

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