Of Forests and Clocks and Dreams

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The Elephant Girl Short Stories have been published along with my poetry, artwork, typography, photography, essay, aphorisms, and more in an experimental avant-garde form as Of Forests and Clocks and Dreams

This book here is undergoing a process to be edited, formatted and adapted to show you a preview and a multimedia look into the OFCD publication.

Make sure you add to your library, for future short stories! :)

I'm also open to short story requests. Please send me a few words or a phrase (max. tweet length), and I may write a piece about it!

Feel free to also read my featured dystopian magical-realism literary novel, "Espresso Love".


TABLE OF CONTENTS (of this Wattpad Collection, not OFCD)


1. By The River
A philosophical conversation by a river about rocks.

2. Cats and Dogs in HK
A strange thing happens in Hong Kong; no one understands.

3. Sometimes I Think You Can't Hear Me
The world keeps moving, they keep talking, but I don't.

4. A Meeting at Noon
The clock strikes twelve, two people meet.

5. Clair De Lune (Halloween Short)
Debussy and the moon I can no longer see.

6. The Elephant Girl
Someone left their phone behind. It rings.

7. Oldies
The connection of two souls through the airwaves.

8. What We Talk About When We Talk About Growing Up
A jog and a chat about growing up.

9. Rice Clocks and Dreams and Waves
Waking up to visions and white rice.

10. The Clock in Setagaya
An old grandfather clock stops. A call is made.

11. The Boy Who Crows
A pensive dream about a dead parakeet.

12. Iced Lemon Tea
Reminiscing while peeling onions and crying.

13. He Who Takes Away Light
A master asks his servants three questions.


- Home

- Spokes of the Universe

- The Classy Bitch

- Black Coffee

- and more coming soon...


"Opening a book is entering someone else's consciousness with your own." (67)

Dear reader,

I've been hard at work on my new book collection of my latest writing including short stories, poetry, aphorisms, philosophy, essay, artwork, photography and more with experimental post-modern designs and styles! It is dearly personal to me as it marks my growth as a person, my perception of the world and my journey beyond my last novel, Espresso Love and I think really captures my soul. I hope it will be inspiring for you! Truly thank you for your unwavering support. You are what motivates me to do what I do - you are the one I write for.

Of Forests & Clocks & Dreams (A Literary & Art Collection)Where stories live. Discover now