Chapter 20: Done

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When I walked through the living room I saw Autumn, Jungkook, Andy, and Taehyung sitting on the couch.

Autumn: Hey Y/N.. What's wrong?

I didn't say anything and just continued to walk out of the house.

I was about to get into Jimins car when a hand grabbed my wrist.

Y/N: Let me go Yoongi!

Yoongi: Not until you calm down.

Y/N: Calm down? How do you expect me to calm down? You lied to me! How could you just sit there and lie to me and then ask me to marry you?!?!

Yoongi: Y/N..

Without realizing I had started to hit his chest over and over again. But he just stood there and took it all.

Y/N: I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

After a moment my hands start to grow weak.

Tears still pouring down my face like there's no tomorrow.

He pulls me into a hug and rubs the back of my head.

Yoongi: Shhhh. Everything will be okay.

What am I doing? He lied to me. He lied straight to my face.

I pull away and push him off of me.

Y/N: I never wanna see you again..

Yoongi: Y/N please..

I turn and get into my brothers car, driving away, leaving him.

I didn't know where I was driving to.

I kinda blacked out.

Ya know.. all of these feelings driving me crazy.

About twenty minutes later all I could feel was rage.

My sadness had turned into anger.

And it started to consume my entire body.

The same words kept replying in my head.

"He did. He killed her. He must pay."

I try to clear my head and close my eyes for only a second.

But only for a second was too long.

Y/N: AHHHH!!!!

I opens my eyes what felt like only a few minutes after.

My brothers car was completely upside down.

And I had a pounding headache.

I need to get out of this car.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and plopped down.

The window was busted so I crawl out of it, cutting my hands in the process.

I could feel blood running down the side of my face.

It was a cut on my forehead. But that was the least of my problems.

I look around and notice that I'm only a few minutes away from my house.

Well my dads house.

My feet automatically started moving.

I will get revenge...

I will kill him.

~Yoongis POV~

Yoongi: Jimin!

I run into the house screaming his name, Autumn meeting me at the door.

Autumn: Yoongi What the hell is going on?

Good Girl Gone Bad (Min Yoongi) ~BEING EDITED~Where stories live. Discover now