Chapter 29: So Content

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*Hello, ladies and gents. I'm sorry for taking so long to update this book as I know how many people read this. I'm most likely going to post a really long story update today as thanks for being so patient. I love you all! Anyway let's get into this, shall we?*

(Italy's POV)

When everyone was dismissed for lunch I anxiously remained in my seat. I received a few questioning glances from the club members but merely waved them off. I was shocked out of my thoughts by a warm hand coming to rest on my shoulder. "Are you ready to go?" He asked comfortingly.


It felt comforting, laying there in Ludwig's arms. Almost as if nothing could touch or hurt me. Oh, how I wanted to pretend that was true, how I wanted to believe everything was right in the world. "Feliciano," Ludwig called, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Confused, I glanced up from my position, quirking an eyebrow in question. "Feliciano, I know how much hearing the last entry impacted you. I know because it impacted me too, hearing that about my brother." The other began to card his hands through my hair. "Feli, you must understand that there are not many opportunities to make amends with our brothers. We can not merely pretend nothing has happened any longer. We don't have time to fix things. If what they said is true, something I hope to god isn't, we have to, we have to Feliciano."

I felt myself nod at these words, despite the tears beginning to collect in my eyes. I didn't want to do anything I regretted, but I definitely didn't want to lose one of the best things to ever happen to me. Gathering up the courage, I spoke, "tomorrow, both of us will talk to our brothers." I took a breath, "we have to. No matter what."

~Flashback end~

I don't remember getting up from my chair, nor the walk to the dining area. It all felt like it was going to fast. Suddenly, I was in the entrance of the room, scanning all the tables for my brother. I found him, chatting with Spain, Prussia, and Canada. He was smiling... like a sincere smile, one I had only seen a handful of times throughout my life.

Taking a breath, me and Germany both began to walk toward their table. My hands began to fidget, I felt my nerves start to get the better of me. Right when I was about to turn around and abandon the whole plan I felt Ludwig grip my hand. I looked up to meet his eyes, seeing the uncertainty swimming in their depths. However, he still managed to give my hand a comforting squeeze.

If Ludwig could still manage to keep himself level headed, I could too. Ludwig was right. It's now or never. After I managed to re-psyche myself up, I began my trek again. This time Ludwig's hand still firmly grasping mine.

I felt like we arrived at the table to fast. Everyone halted their conversation to give us a questioning glance. Despite my shakiness I took a deep breath. "Romania, Prussia. Could me and Germany please talk to you both individually." Prussia nodded his head before hooking and arm around Ludwig's shoulder, walking add to a different room. Romano, however, glanced at the other two nations before cautiously standing to follow me.

We came to stand at the farthest corner of the dining room, away from prying ears and eyes. There was an awkward moment of silence shared between the two of us before Romano spoke up. "What did you want to talk about Italy?"

(Germany's POV)

Prussia led us both out of the room into the now barren conference room. He let go of my shoulder to turn and face me. "Is something the matter? There isn't any issue or threat is there. You're in okay condition, right?" The older began, bombarding me with questions.

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