CHAPTER 4: Regrets.

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                 The flame swallowed our house like some hungry beast devouring his victim. The main entrance is impossible to get through as the fire completely hindered anyone from entering or leaving through it. I ran to the back door and relieved to see that I can still enter from here.

                 It was the kitchen that welcomed me and I gasped when I saw bodies... dead bodies lying on the floor! I still walk further when I caught something in the air. I sniffed to verify it.

                   Chloro Fluoro Halomethane –a new formulation of an illegal gas that makes us unable to shift in wolf form!

                 I felt a sudden headache as things became hazy in front of me. Despite my blurring vision, I noticed that parts of the roof are now falling to the ground... blazing fire dancing around me. I ran as fast as I could, dodging the tumbling debris of the house and exit through the back door. It was just a matter of minute when I heard a loud boom coming from the house. Fragments from it exploded in the air making me hide from behind a huge tree.

                   And just like that... I lost my parents, my friends and my pack. I've never been this scared my whole life... shaking violently in fear. I cannot even stand on my own feet, just leaning on the trunk to get some support. I am so powerless. I cannot do anything but to just dumbly stare as my home crumbled down, tears non-stop from my eyes.

  I am so sorry...


          The eerie silence filled the atmosphere minutes after Elerie left, without saying anything. I am currently sitting behind my office desk while Luanne's just staring at me... tryin' to read my mind. And with a sigh, she gave up.

"A while ago, what was that?" her tone dead serious. But I cannot utter any word. "Mr. Lindon Meyer, I am asking you what happen? Who is she, really?" she's irritated, now that she's calling my complete name.

"I-I’m... she's my m-mate," my voice came out more of a whisper. She looked at me, shocked.

"W-Why? I mean... why you didn't introduce her to the pack?" I looked at her intently, now that she's right in front of me.

"I made a promise to you..." I reached for her hand but she took a step back.

"Don't tell me you told her that," I looked down, guilty as charged. "Oh God..." she said shaking her head while taking a sit. Her hands firmly holding the arm rest of the couch.

        A moment of quietude passed between us... when she finally breaks it off.

"You hurt her –your mate— more than you can imagine. What you did to her is the same pain I experienced when he died..."her voice not accusing, but pure sadness. "Do you love her?" she asked, but continues before I can even answer. "Of course you do! She's your one and only soul mate. I can see it in your eyes that you badly want her... but the promise you made to me stops you from doing so." she said, as if saying a common knowledge.

"I-I don't know what to say," Luanne stared at me –sympathy in her eyes.

"Alpha, the first thing you must do is to let go of whatever you have for me. Everything stays the same, you will still be my best buddy," she said reassuringly.

"But Elerie... she's bloody mad at me. I said and done things I should not," she nods at me while pondering on some thoughts.

"As of now, let her calm her nerves. But first thing tomorrow morning, you must go to her and do the necessary things –you know what I mean, right?" I nodded. "Show her what you really feel and I am sure the anger will vanish. After all, the two of you are mates. You have this attraction, only you guys can have," Luanne said to me like the bestfriend she has always been... giving pieces of advice like some guidance counsellor.

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