Chance Encounter

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I didn't know where I was. I looked down. The ground was made of clouds. I looked around and saw clouds and a white city. Suddenly a voice called out to me.

"Tom!" The mysterious voice called.

I turned around and a man walked up to me. He was smiling. At first I was afraid but as he got closer I felt a feeling of peace. His face was bright and his eyes looked like they were burning. His clothing looked normal and nothing apart from his beaming face looked different.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to meet you," The Man said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Yeaaah right. Um do I know you?"

"Not as much I would like but I know everything about you."

"Who are you?"

"I'm just a friend but I've been called many things throughout culture. Prince Of Peace, the Light Of The World, the Good Shepherd, etc."

"Wait you mean you're-," I said.

"Yes I am the Son Of God. I am Jesus."

I couldn't believe my eyes. I was standing in front of the Son of God. Suddenly a feeling of rage and sadness overcame me. I started sobbing.

"Where have you been? Why weren't you there when I needed you? I thought you were supposed to be the Good Shepherd? Well why does the Good Shepherd let one of his sheep die?"

As I continue crying, Jesus comes over to me and hugs me. Then he starts sobbing.

"Why are you crying? He was just one person and you could have brought him back to life."

He looks at me.

"I feel your pain and anger. I understand why you're angry. It's okay to be sad and angry towards me."

"Why couldn't you save her? Did you not care about her? Did you think, "Oh one life isn't that important?" Why did you abandon me and her?!

"No of course not and don't ever think that. I loved her and it broke my heart. I heard her screams and I watched in sadness like how my Father watched when I gave my life to die for your sins. However, I never left her and I never left you. I'm here for you and I'm always here for you. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I never wanted you to suffer like this but bad things happen in this world that even I can't stop."

I stop sobbing and hug him. A chair suddenly appears and I sit on it.

"It's just that life hasn't been easy for me. I feel like people at school don't care about me. I feel hopeless."

Jesus sits next to me.

"I never promised that this life wouldn't have difficulties. I do promise that as long as you believe in me I will give you hope."

I look at him.

"But how can I actually believe in you and trust you without seeing you?"

Jesus smiles.

"That's why you need faith in me. Faith that I am with you through the darkest of times."

"I'm so glad that you're here with me. It's nice to have someone to talk to."

"That's what I'm here for," Jesus says.

"But how do I get through this while maintaining my faith. I don't think I'm strong enough."

"You are strong. I give you strength to persevere. When this ends I want you to promise me something.


"Promise me that you will keep living. Love your neighbor and do good to others."

"But my neighbor doesn't care about me. How can I possibly show them kindness?"

"You'll find a way. I have faith in you. I have to go. It's been a pleasure talking to you." Jesus hugs me and starts walking away.

"Wait. Please don't go. Let me go with you!"

I grab him by his shoulder. He turns toward me.

"It's not your time yet."

"I can't live like this anymore. I don't want to. Not alone!"

"You are never alone! I am always with you to the end."

"Is she-"

"She is and she is happy."

I wrap my arms around Jesus and hug him tightly.

"Thank you."

Then I wake up in a hospital bed.

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