Ch. Thirty

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"We've been going at this for the last half hour. No matter what you say, I'm not going back to school. It would just be a lot easier if you called and told them so they could take me off of the roster." I said, standing behind the couch while she flipped through the channels.

"You can't just let one stupid boy get you down, Linds. All teenagers have their first heartbreak. You just have to get back on your feet."

"Not all teenagers go to a school where everybody hates them. I didn't even do anything, but they all think that it's my fault. No, Mom. Not all teenagers go through that and the ones that do, kill themselves!" I yelled.

"You're stronger than them." She said, simply.

"I'm not going." I said in a finalized tone.

"Yes you are." She shot back.

"You said a month. You said that if I went to school for a month I could drop out. Well, it's been well over a month. So I held up my part. I'm. Not. Going." I said, walking away and up the stairs into my room. It was about nine and Jack, Adam, and Luke were in Luke's room at the moment. I haven't seen Adam though, luckily, but right now, I was just at the end of my rope. 

I stuffed my face into my pillow and let out  a muffled scream. I stopped and sat up quickly when I heard my door open slowly.

"Hey." Luke chirped.

I forced a smile. "Hi."

"What was that fight with Mom about?" He asked, sitting on my desk chair near my bed.

"It was nothing."

"Didn't sound like nothing." He said.

"She doesn't want me to drop out."

His eyes widened. "You're dropping out?"

I nodded. "Well I'm not going back to that school." I muttered.

"Is it because of what Adam did?" He asked.

"No, I couldn't care less about what Adam does." I lied. "The whole school hates me, Luke. I'm not going back."

He sighed. "So it's just going to go back to how it was?"

I shrugged. "I guess we'll find out."

He stood up and wrapped his arms around me. "Just do what you want to do, I guess." He said softly.

I sighed. "Thanks."

He pulled away and looked down at me. "And sorry I couldn't come home today, I had a test and I couldn't miss it."

"It's fine." I assured him. 

"I'm glad that you didn't kill Jack." He said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well I didn't."

"Was he nice to you?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I just fell asleep when he unlocked the door."

He nodded slowly. "Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, night." I called after him.

I just wanted this day to end, I just wanted this whole high school experiment to be over.

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