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Third person's POV

As soon as they got home, Zayd enetered his room and banged the door behind him, Hanan stared at the door for a minute before going to her room.

She freshen up and got dressed in a black tight with a blue hoodie.

She went to the kitchen only found zayd standing by the counter sipping only God knows what!! 'well except for zayd in a tumbler

He looked up at her and their eyes met, she gave him a small smile before walking to the fridge, she brought out a bottle of water and gulped it down.

He left the kitchen to his room without a word, Hanan shook her head and also left for her room.

The next day

Hanan woke up early in the morning with a very bad headache and stomach ache, she went to the bathroom only to find out that she started her period, she took her bath and did all the necessary things that needed to be done, she walked out of the bathroom clad in a towel and sat on the bed,applied body lotion and then got dressed in a simple blue maxi dress and laid down on the bed trying to catch some sleep but couldn't due to the extreme pain she was going through

Zayd woke up early in the morning, took a hot bath performed ablution and  prayed fajr, he got dressed in an Ash jeans and a white top.

By then It was already 8:30am in the morning and today was Sunday,

He went to the kitchen with the intention of apologising to hanan for his behaviour the previous day only to find it empty with a single trace of hanan,he checked the dining area but it was also empty "What is wrong, Hanan usually wakes up before me and prepare breakfast for both of us.. It's weird really, is she perhaps sick now" he asked himself

He went back to the kitchen to make a hot cup of coffee for himself after doing so he sat on a couch in the living room  and was about to take a sip of his coffee when he heard silent sobs coming from her room, he kept the cup on the center Table and rushed to her room only to find her lying on her stomach sobbing

"What's wrong Hanan" he asked sitting beside her "Ya... Z..ayd m..y St..oma..ch" she cried taking his hand in her's as she press her abdomen with it. "ya Zayd please make the pain go.. Aw... Away.. It.. It hurts...please..Oh Allah"

He stare at her pale face before he laid  her down on the bed saying he would be right back ,

"no please yaya don't leave me alone please" she begged,"Hanan, I will be back in a jiffy I promise" he said  pecking her forehead and rushed out of the room to the living room, he called a doctor and the doctor said she will be there in less than 30 min.

he went back to the room to find her still laying on her stomach.

30 minutes later

Dr Alisha ranged the door bell and Zayd hurried to the door to open it, "Good morning sir" she greeted,

"Good morning Dr Alisha ,please come in" he demanded, smiling she walked into the house.

"Where is the patient" she ask, "This way please"he said walking to Hanan's room.

She hurried to Hanan's side asking her "what was wrong",

"My head..my stomach its hurting me so much" she sobbed into the pillow, "shss.....its okay" Dr Alisha said helping her lay on her back,

She pressed her hand on hanan's  abdomen, Hanan whined pushing Dr Alisha's hand.

She brought out a syringe to inject her as she moved towards Hanan..

"No please don't inject me, just give me medicine" Hanan whined her voice coming out as a whisper, "Mr Zayd please help" Dr Alisha demanded

He sat down beside Hanan pulling her into his Arms,she felt safe and also too weak to protest, Hugging him tight hanan felt safer than ever, Dr Alisha quickly injected her with the medicine,

she slowly doze off to a deep slumber, Zayd help her down, dragged the  coverlet to her stomach level

"Lets talk outside Mr Zayd "she said and he nod his head, he walked out of the room to the living room.

" No need to worry sir, she's on her period and she's suffering from menstrual pain and headache, I injected her with a pain killer ,she would wake up soon and here" she said passing a paper to him, "I prescribed this medicine for her get it before she wakes up" 

"Thank you" he said and she smile" its m pleasure, I wish her a very quick recovery she said, thank you doctor he said and "the pleasure is mine" she smiled walking out of the apartment.

He walked back to Hanan's room and sat on the bed looking at her, she looks pale and weak, he pecked her fore head before waking out of the room yo his room taking his car key and a wrap coat before walking out

Nigeria 🇳🇬

Malika was seated on the sofa in her living room upstairs dressed in a blue jeans with a white vest, her cute baby girl sleeping in her arms, opposite her was her best friend Amina dressed in a black short with a pink blouse .

"Malika kinyi sakachi ya zaki Bar mijin ki ya bar kasan nan da chan wata shegiya(You did a big mistake, how can you let your husband leave the country with that bitch)" amina said.

"Ya kikeso nayi Amina(what do you want me to do Amina), badaban wanna wawan tsoho nasu ba aida duk haka bai faruba (if not for that stupid tsoho of their's all this wouldn't have happened)" Malika said.

"I have an idea" Amina said smirking, "... And what is it" Malika asked curiously , amina looked at Afnan smiling. "This time around we are going to have to use Afnan" Amina said and Malika look at the sleeping beauty.

"And how is that? "she ask and Amina smile. "Take her to Asiya's father(their best friend) Hospital, talk to him and let him admit baby Afnan and tell him to inject her with a non harmful medicine for her to keep sleeping, and then call him and his family members, tell them she's very sick, I know Zayd will come back as soon as he hears the news cause he loves his daughter very much what do you think" Amina demanded  smirking

"You are right kawata(my friend) but I don't like the idea of injecting My little baby" she said pecking Afnan's forehead.

"Ok then stupid woman sit down there and let another woman snatch away your husband, how do you think his family members will believe you just by taking her to the hospital and admitting her, think Best Friend think" Amina groaned

Malika stared at Afnan "you are right, i will go meet him today and then Afnan will be admitted tomorrow" she said touching her baby's face And Amina smile saying let's not waste time my dear.

"Go get ready then we can go" she said taking Afnan into her Arms while Malika ambled to her room to get ready.

... ...

And the wickedness begins 😈
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