15. Brothers

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I felt bad that she almost suffered the dangers of moshing. Scarlet fell asleep the moment we got back to the hotel room. I, on the other hand, was wide awake. Those kinds of concerts always had me on some kind of high afterwards. I was sitting in one of the arm chairs on the side of the room when I got this urge to go outside.

I could never explain these things really well. I would just gaze into the darkness of the night and feel the need to follow it in a sense. I took my room key and slid out the door making sure not to wake Scarlet up.

It was about two in the morning. The only people outside were pretty drunk or homeless. I walked back over to Stanley park in hopes to catch a glimpse of the stars.

"Hey!" I heard a voice call out to me catching me off guard.

"Kid!" another voice called out. It seemed to be two dudes.

"Yeah?" I called out hoping this wouldn't last a very long time.

"We could use you for something," the one guy said as he stepped out from behind a tree on the darker part of a tree.

That wasn't what I wanted to hear coming from the strangers hiding in the darkness. I gulped, "What do you want from me?"

"Relax, kid." The other guy said sneaking up behind me, "We need a punk like you."

"A punk like me for what?" I said with fear in eyes.

"My girlfriend."

I stood up straight. "Okay that's just rude."

"What?" they both asked in unison.

They were completely in the light now. The one guy had on a navy-blue hoodie and light blue jeans while the other guy was a black jacket and sweat pants. These didn't seem the type worth fearing.

"I need help winning my girlfriend back. She left me because I 'respected her too much' and wanted someone with a bit more of an edge like you seem to got. If you flirt with her and are a total asshole to her, she'll totally see how good I was for her. I'll give you money," said the guy in the hoodie. He was much taller and wider than his friend in the sweats.

That was not what I was expecting.

"I don't know dude. It seems like you should find someone who will appreciate you for you. She'll realize her mistake, if true, on her own. And if it's not meant to be, then I'm sure it's because there's someone better waiting out there to meet you," I said in total sincerity.

"Shit, man," the friend in the hoodie said.

"You're probably right dude, hey you're cool dude, what're you up to tonight?" asked the guy in the hoodie.

This night seemed to be taking a turn for the random. "Not much, just doing a little roaming I guess."

"We were gonna go get drunk by the beach if you want to come with," sweats guy asked. Hoodie looked at me and nodded.

"I guess that sounds fun. I just can't be out too long. My friend doesn't know I went out and I don't want her to be scared if I'm not there when she wakes up." I said, again, in complete sincerity.

"Can't you just text her? Hoodie asked me.

"I don't have a phone."

"Damn, that's weird," sweats responded.

"Yeah, dude, what's up with that?" Hoodie asked suspiciously.

"I dropped it in the toilet." I lied

"Oh," they both said in unison. "Well, c'mon. We don't got all night then."


We all sat around the campfire holding and drinking the beers they had in the trunk of their car. I had come to find out that Hoodie's name was Jason and sweats was actually Stevie. They were college drop outs who moved out to Vancouver together in hopes to 'make it big.' They made most of their money in not legal ways. I only knew all of this because they told me their names and where they were from and basic things about them and some unnecessary details from Jason talking about how tight Stevie's mom ass was.

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