Chapter Eight (Edited 08/2021)

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Despite the feeling of absolute dread that accompanied me while I was awake and alone with the being that haunted my every nightmare, it was actually pretty quiet. I ended up falling asleep about an hour after Lilly did, and didn't wake up until the morning.

I could feel the sunshine pouring on my face, and for the first time since I got here, I felt refreshed and happy. Maybe today would be a good day, I had thought. A day where Harly was quiet and nothing was wrong.

But when I finally opened my eyes, I leaped so far back in bed that I slid right off the other side and tumbled into the floor.

Lilly had been standing in front of me, her face inches from mine.

"Lilly, jesus!" I called, scrambling to get back up into a normal position. My heart pounded against my chest from the fear, but it didn't ease when I saw my niece. "Why on earth would you stand that close to someone sleeping? You about gave me a stroke." I muttered as I climbed back into bed and threw an arm over my forehead as I calmed my breathing. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it'd break through my ribs. When she didn't answer me, I moved my arm back to peer over at her.

She had moved a few inches back, but she still stared at me. She had the hint of an emotion, maybe anger, hidden in the depths of her face but she still didn't speak. "What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up slowly. Yes, definitely anger. Lilly was mad about something.

"Why did you let that boy in your room, aunt Em?" She asked me in a hateful tone, a shocking difference from her usual, cheerful voice. I almost couldn't reply as I considered what she said.

"I-I'm sorry?" I stuttered in shock. Where is this coming from?

"The boy, Emma," she repeated, her little voice cold and hard. Her eyes bore into me, much different from the kind, loving eyes of my little niece. "Why was he in your room?"

I could only stare in disbelief. Where was this coming from? And how would she know if someone had been in my room? I scanned around the room for any signs of Norman being here, but it was just like always. No sign of the amateur paranormal investigator to be seen. Were there cameras installed? That was unsettling, but with Ella knowing about my hospital visit, maybe she thought it was necessary for my safety. I definitely couldn't be considered stable. Maybe she thought I was a danger. But she was awful quick to let me watch her kids, so it didn't seem like she lacked trust in me.

"Lil, how did you know Norman was in here?" I asked in a whisper.

"Norman." She repeated, as if tasting the name on her tongue. She stayed quiet for a second, but a smile slowly spread across her little cheeks. "Don't let Norman in here again. Harly won't play nice." She finished, her eyes holding mine for a heartbeat, and then she turned and toddled out. Shortly after, I heard her inching down the steps to get downstairs.

I didn't know what else to do. Ella had already left for work, according to the scrambled text I had on my phone that mentioned she was running late. "Late! Left you my card. Have fun! Love you!" She had left me alone to watch the kids again, and I couldn't particularly talk myself into wanting to. Any other time her text would have made me roll my eyes or smile, but right now it brought a chilling fear that settled deep inside of me. I was alone with the kids.

I was alone with Harly.

I text the only other person I could think of, despite the previous warning.

Norman assured me he was on his way. Apparently, possessed toddler was right up his alley, and he wanted to meet Harly himself. I guess I'll never understand paranormal nerds. Why Norman wanted to meet a possible demon was very much beyond me. I simply wanted to get rid of it.

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