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Jessica's POV

All I could hear was a buzzing sound in my head that kept rising and falling in pitch, Like a distressed fly on the brink of death suffocating in fuzz. All I wanted to do was kill it, make the misery its enduring end so I could continue my sleep. As if my pray was answered the buzzing stopped as if it never there, leaving the sound of something that raked at my heart and surprisingly hurt me.

"Jess please wake up.. jess for fuck sake don't die!... JESS! Jess oh thank the gods."

Opening my eyes I came face to face with grey and his deep sky blue eyes that seemed to now always either get darker or lighter, looking past him I saw the relief soaked pale faces my pack. looking back at Grey Streaks of tears ran down his face as a sickly sweet smile broke free. as he patted my face.

He pulled me into his chest with his head in the crane of my neck. looking around I tried to reorganize my thoughts.

That's right it was a man... a man named Ed, who shot me in the chest and I fell off the cliff. He was a strange man blessed with amazing reflexes, I smiled at the thought of someone like him and prayed that we would meet again be it on opposing sides or together, my concentration broke, I felt a warm liquid drizzle down my back as something slid out from in my neck, next came the huge wave of pain .. my body became immobilized and numb with confusion and anger mixed with convulsions because of my absent consent, it multiplied by the second when I saw the blood covering his mouth.. his eyes had just finished clouding over with half of my past memories as what happens when a mate marks you, I let out a earth shuddering growl more ferrel than I could have achieved on my own probably because it was from ellen myself and my siren, it was a threat to back off before I killed him. he just squinted his eyes back at me and returned my growl with his own daring one which was just as powerfull considering how weak I was.

I noticed at that point I wasn't thinking rationally and my pack members were frozen in place as my aura seeped through my blind cracks countering greys which were already out.

"don't. touch. me. . ." I said through clenched teeth as I raised my own weak arm trying to push him off of me, grabbing my wrist in his I fought him even more bucking as well as I could to get him off, to the point were I was relying on my nails.

he pinned me against him as freashly hot tears poured down my face streaking it with daring lines, "jess calm down! youre only hurting yourself." my heart panged at his pleading voice. signs that the bond was connecting us against my will well as much as i would let it...

how could he do this to me why could he do this... and i just started t like him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed until I was shoved out of his warm body and onto the cold stone floor where he pinned me down and leaned his head to my ear and whispered something that made me shut down.

"your afraid jess, you've never been loved by a man other than family and he abandonded you, you don't know how to love but I'm here now so please just calm down all right, I cant afford to lose you because admittedly I'm scared of being left alone in a place that has no room for me." he store into my hrting eyes showing that he was serious.

"I'm not afraid... I never was, I also know how men love, how they touch you..."

I looked at him with as much hatred as I could muster spitting my words at him as he shook his head and smiled kindly telling me I knew nothing as he picked me up and carried me

"well I know that their all the same now.. I cant believe I thought you were different....i cant belive you were starting to grow.. on.. me...' the last thought returning to sam now that i am once again officaly owened.


her eyes fluttered closed as she spoke her last words before falling into a deep sleep.

"well I know that their all the same now.. I cant believe I thought you were different....i cant belive you were starting to grow.. on.. me...'

the pain that she subconsciously drench through her voice broke my heart, I had proven to her inexperienced heart that all men were cruel and did what they pleased to those that were weak. but I didn't care even if that sounds wrong I wast going to lose someone I cared about all over again when that person was the last thing to forefill me in a world as bitter as this one.

She looked so peacefull when she slept and as the small whisps of tendrils shrieked at me showing her defiance to the past slipped back into her I kissed her forehead and walked her to her room and wrapped her into a tight bundle. I didn't care if she hated me all I know is that I loved her and wasn't going to leave her even if she died, as long as she was near i could be content in life.

looking down at my mark on her neck It was swollen and purple with a white ooze coming out, and I thought back to the memories she had with her parents and brother when she was younger and how sam had killed them, how he threw her into a dungeon and was tortured and raped!

My body shook with hatred and I knew I couldn't allow my self to look into such a horrible past. I lay down beside her stroking her head, somewhere in me i knew deep down that that had happened and that's why she was so scared of me even if she couldnt recognised, she was scared that I would betray her and i did all for my own selfish desires but i also know that if i didnt do it we would be as we were years into the future. And as much as she would to be angry at me her body would accept the mark and that soon her mind would two once I showed her how much she means to me and how much Ive come to love her. I cant go back to the darkness.

Goddesses soulHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin