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The even, deep pounding of his heart met her ear, which was pressed against his chest, where she had spent the night as usual. It was a beautiful sound she associated with the feelings of safety and love for years now.

This was her paradise.

His hand, tanned and warm and calloused, trailed down her back.

"Good mornin', sweetheart."

She lifted herself up on her elbows to face him with a slow smile spreading on her full lips. "Good morning, Jasper."

Their eyes met.

Amongst the silky dark green sheets that matched her husband's eyes, the couple laid in bed that Sunday morning. The sun streamed through the open balcony window, casting their skin aglow, their skin tanned and freckled from the summer heat.

"Happy birthday," Jasper wrapped his arm around her, his hand moving down to rub her protruding tummy. They shared a sweet kiss.

The young couple—no older than thirty, but definitely old enough for their careers to have prospered enough to yield in a beautiful two story house by the beach—both broke from staring into each other eyes when the sound of stomping and ruckus was heard coming down the hallway.

"Here comes the monsters," Rory smiled just as the door burst open. They didn't bother to sit up, allowing for the disruption to clamber up the king size bed.

A young boy with curly golden hair like his father wrestled onto the bed first, diving between his parents. "Mommy! Daddy!"

Jasper sat up when the whines of their other daughter reached his ears, her frustrated attempts to climb up the too high bed were appeased when he leaned over to scoop the two year old up easily. He set the girl between him and Rory, just next to their son. "Mama! Dada!" The toddler babbled happily.

"Jackson, next time help Luna up," Rory lightly scolded her five year old.

"Sorry, mommy," The little boy pouted, his green eyes rounding apologetically. He was a perfect clone of Jasper, while Luna, with dirty blonde hair, had her mother's features. "Happy birthday, mommy," Jackson grinned, leaning into her side.

"Yah! 'appy birfday, mama," Luna giggled with a big smile, showcasing the deep dimples she inherited from her father.

"Thank you, babies," Rory kissed both of the children's brow and snuggling with them. "You're the greatest gift a girl can ask for."

"No longer a girl, I think," Jasper grinned playfully. "You haven't been a girl for a long time, sweetheart."

"You're right, what sane girl would ever pop out three kids before thirty?" Rory said teasingly rubbing her baby bump lovingly.

The bright light of the morning suddenly dimmed to gray darkness.

"It won't be you," Jasper's voice turned deep and raspy and dark.

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