Quiet Cabin Deep in the Woods

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My wife was shaking me quietly. I looked atound the cabin. The girls must have gone to bed. The fire had burned down to embers. My glass of scotch was still in my hand.
   " Something is tapping on the porch. " 

Then I heard it too. I grabbed my ax and lit the lantern. I opened the door expecting a raccoon or skunk, but instead found a boy of about 10 years old.

He started at me petrified for a moment, then bolted down the path through the woods. I gave chase. He was losing me but I heard gim tumble to the ground. I lept on top of him in a rage.

   " Why were you knocking on my porch?" I Screamed.

   " My uncles told me to." he stammered

I was no longer angry, but confused.

   " But why?" I asked.

   " To get you out of the cabin."

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