."your beautiful " bouns scene

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{Anne prov}

I'm the girl that's quiet ...the one everyone knows as the quiet girl ..that was until mr.badass Mahone saw me and we had to be partners in chemistry .


tapping my pen against my desk watching the clock strike 12 .mr.winston our chemistry teacher we're calling out parents name for the project .....and can you guess who I got stuck with ? if you guessed Austin mahone then your right .

I grabbed the papers and watched as he walked across to my desk slowly .i would be lying if I said he wasn't fine but he was bad and had a bad rept.

I slowly got out of my thoughts as he snapped his fingers across my face "anna?" he said looking at me with his perfect white teeth smile . I sent him a small wave and scooted my desk over to him a bit .

we started working on the project together as I felt him out a string of hair behind my ear and whispers in my ear "your beautiful "

little did I know that that day changed my life forever ....


this is where Anna and Austin first met Austin prov is up next for the bonus scenes 🤩.

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