Chapter XVI - Jealousy

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Roxana placed her hand on her stomach. She could feel a little bump. This was her child that was growing inside of her. She smiled, and then abruptly the smile vanished. She realized that she would have to be able to do anything to protect her son's life.

Bahar had been very helpful. Not only in disclosing the fact that she was pregnant upon Roxana's request, but in making sure that she was physically well rested. The days mostly consisted of her rising late, and Bahar would help her into a loose-fitting dress. Then she would bring in her breakfast, mostly consisting of piping hot soup and bread. Her lunches and dinners were more extravagant, Bahar making sure that there were foods from all different food groups. After her meals, she either rested on her bed, or she took a stroll in the gardens. If she was resting on her bed, she would sometimes read to her unborn child. Then at nights, when she retired to sleep, Bahar would bring her some tea to soothe her nerves.

Roxana sighed, slowly getting up from the bed and getting dressed. She did not feel like eating breakfast right now, and she would take the morning walk first. But once she was outside of her room, Roxana did not move towards the outdoors entrance. Instead, she made her way down the corridor to where the courtroom was located. She was not going to meet Alexander. She would just take a look at the courtroom, and maybe peek inside to see what it looked like now and then go back to her room. Roxana placed a hand on her forehead, cringing at her own stupidity. Who was she trying to fool? She missed Alexander, but she was not brave enough to go to his chamber.

Once she reached the courtroom, she realized that there was no soldier was stationed in front of it. But the door was cracked open a little, so she went towards it and peeked inside. Light was streaming in from the high windows, and the marble floor was shining with yellow hues. There she saw a pretty girl in a crown. Roxana recognized her to be Parysatis. She immediately turned to go.

"My lady!" Roxana heard. Roxana turned back around. Parysatis, along with several of her maids, were hurrying towards her. Once Parysatis stopped near, she gave a bow and then started to talk excitedly.

"I have just been walking around because I was bored, and I'm so glad I decided to do so for now I'm able to meet you! I have heard so much about you. You are the one who accompanied Alexander to India and saved him from near death! You are said to be the most beautiful woman in Asia, and I can really see that. You know, I really wanted to meet you after hearing those things about you shooting arrows at the Indians and...Now that I've met you I'm so glad! We can become great friends." Here Parysatis gave her a wide smile, while Roxana stared back at her. Parysatis reminded her of Saira, her little sister. Bright and bubbly, but having no knowledge of the world. Roxana stepped closer towards her, very close, until Parysatis started to look uncomfortable. She bent down and whispered.

"Oh dear, your sash is done wrong." Parysatis looked down, and seeing that her sash had not been tied the proper way, she flushed, embarrassed.

"Here, let me help you," said Roxana, and she untied her golden sash and tied it again around her little waist.

"Thank you," Said Parysatis, her eyes shining, "You are very kind." She said, her bright demeanour returning. Roxana stood up and looked at her. She had plump cheeks, full cheery lips, and thin, defined eyebrows. Her hair had been twisted on each side of her head and wound with golden strings.

"Do not think I am kind, Parysatis." Roxana said.

Parysatis' eyebrows furrowed. "Well!" Exclaimed Parysatis adamantly, "Everyone is kind at heart, my lady, they just do bad things sometimes, don't they?" Roxana turned away.

"If you say so, Parysatis," Roxana said, "But I'm afraid I must say that I cannot become your playmate."

"Is it because of what I just said?" Parysatis asked.

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