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Jungkook POV

One of them managed to throw my shirt off while the others made bright hickeys on my neck.

I was tired of being super weak and helpless so I shut up completely.

I threw the two that were kissing my neck to the ground and kicked the middle one.

I painted their bodies with blue and black bruises. I put my shirt back on and growled.

"I told you that I wasn't going to come back the same."

"This isn't over Jeon Jungkook! You hear me?! I'll hurt you so bad that you can't even imagine what it'll feel like!" I ignored them and covered my hickeys up in a different bathroom.

Hopefully no one would notice. I looked at the time and realized I had been missing for 45 minutes.

I walked to the cafeteria and saw Jimin and Tae waiting for me.

"Where were you? I was so fucking worried. Don't go anywhere without telling us." Jimin said.

"Yah. Chill. I was just talking to one of the teachers about some assignment I'm getting. That was all. I'm not like hiding from you guys or anything. I just couldn't find you guys before but I would've told you. Sorry Okay?"

"It's fine Kookie. We got worried when you didn't show up. But now let's eat and go to class." Tae said. I nodded my head and started to eat some of the food.

By that I mean I barely finished 3 bites.

I heard those 3 guys from before laughing and tried to hide myself.

"Oh look who's back. I'm pretty sure he missed us all. News flash cupcake, it was much better without you here." All of the bullies were laughing with those 3 while Tae and Jimin looked confused.

"Yo Kookie? Who is he talking bout?" I shrugged. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding when he backed away from me.

The bell rang and I hurried off to my next class. Tae and Jimin were called to a meeting with some teacher and wouldn't be back until the end of the day.

I was just walking to my next class peacefully until I was pushed into the wall.





"Go kill Yourself."

I wanted to cry so badly when I heard those people laugh at me and the way I looked.

I tried ignoring them during the rest of my classes but they pissed me off so badly.

Even my werewolf side couldn't stop any of my emotions right now. I ran out of the room with my books as soon as the bell rang.

I wasn't planning on finding Jimin or Tae any time soon so I walked back to the house.

But the house was 45 minutes away.

It's fine. I'll burn calories anyways.

It was 9:45 when I got back to the house.

Wonder why it took so long?

I wandered around the city for hours without realizing it.

"Jungkook!" I heard Namjoon yell as soon as I walked in.


"Where were you?!"

"I was just walking around the city for a while."

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