55th Chapter ♣ Not Over Yet

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Lord Aeron visited the king as he was requested to do, and, as per his objectives, broke the news. Much to everyone's relief, they were told King Laedin had given his consent. He sent them his blessings along with the message of his approval, saying he was saddened by the fact that he would not be able to play the necessary role. Prince Bertram, as well, wouldn't be able to fill in for his father because of certain problems he wasn't willing to say.

"I was worried for you yesterday, Valeriana," Chavi told her as the last subject for the day ended. The bells rang, signaling the end of the period.

Time swept by like a train—faster than expected.

"Really?" She stared at Chavi.

"You expect me not to worry about it? You were attacked by a—"

Valeriana's hand shot out instinctively and covered her mouth before she could finish. "Someone might hear you. We can't let anyone know." She pulled her hand back and gave her a warning eye.

Chavi reluctantly nodded. "I-I see . . . I'll keep it a secret."

"Anyhow, I have a very important thing to do today," she told the other girl.

"What is it about?"

"Sorry. I promised to keep it a secret," she answered.

Chavi didn't ask more. She knew about the matter very well as it involved her and respected Valeriana's decision to keep things covert.

"Take care, then," Chavi said, brow twitching. Her face contorted in pain, hands flying to her head. She pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes.

Valeriana caught this, so she stopped gathering her things and stuck herself to Chavi's side. Concerned, she placed a hand on her friend's shoulders. A strange feeling shot through her as soon as she made contact. It was so subtle it was barely even there.

"Are you alright, Chavi?"

"Yeah," she answered. "My head just ached so suddenly. I didn't get enough sleep last night . . . I need to rest some more."

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked. "Can I help you to the clinic?"

"No . . . uh . . . please, go where you have to. I'll go there myself." She took a deep breath and smiled at her friend. "It's just a tiny thing. Don't worry about it."

"It's alright. Better be safe than sorry. Come on, I'll escort you to Olivia."

Valeriana started leading Chavi away, but the latter fervently resisted.

"No really, Valeriana, please don't bother. I—"

It took a load of convincing and debates. Chavi did not want to be escorted, saying she didn't want to withhold Valeriana from performing her duties as part of the Twelve. It wasn't until the sudden silence and clearing of the normally crowded and noisy hallway happened that they stopped short and bothered to look ahead.

They froze.

Valeriana's days in the academy felt worse than it did after Courtney came back. The rumors and the mystery about the setup to make her look bad didn't help either—and since they lacked the evidence, they could not currently prove Valeriana's innocence.

"Val?" Chavi looked up at her in concern.

"Are you avoiding me?" Courtney asked.

She turned to face her and felt that strange energy sizzle once more. Although, yes, this was the Dark Continent and demonic energy was rampant around the area, the barrier filtered most of it. To sense this thickness was rather strange.

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