A Note to the Reader

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What follows is a tale of adventure inspired by a dream I had a few years ago. In the dream, a young man in heavy armour found a crying infant in a battle-ravaged field.  Although the scene in the story ended up being very different from that in the dream, I grew very fond of the young man and his friends. I hope that you will enjoy reading about them as much as I enjoyed writing about them.

 The story is already completed, though I intend to post it in parts. It is 73 000 words long, or just under 300 pages (at 250 words/page, like a normal book has. Wattpad pages appear to have about 750 words, so you're looking at about 100 pages, here). It is my goal to post approximately 2 000 - 3 000 words a week. Assuming I can keep to the schedule (and assuming I can do math), we should reach the end some time in January or February (EDIT: FINAL CHAPTER POSTED JANUARY 23, 2013 - SEE, I CAN TOO DO MATH!).

The story fits very much into the old cliche of "I was looking for a particular story and couldn't find it on the shelves, so I wrote it, instead". The tale is not completely polished, but if it's your sort of thing, I think you'll like it nevertheless. After all, there's a dragon in one chapter.  :)

Rated PG-13 for violence.


EDIT: So, I started writing this story more than ten years ago, and I've matured and learned a lot in that time. As such, I do want to warn you that the treatment of slavery is not great - it's pretty insensitive and naive. If I were to write this story again, I'd handle it differently.  - January 2022.

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