Crackdown - Twenty

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"Katie," I gush desperately as I finally spot her sitting in the dining hall, thankfully alone. I don't know if I could cope much with Ryan right about now. "Are you okay? Did you hear?"

She leaps up the moment she spots me. At first, she holds her arms out as if she's going to embrace me, but she seems to think better of it at the last moment and they fall back by her sides, limply teasing me.

"Oliver, what's going on here? There are infected everywhere and everyone's in a panic."

I can tell by her ashen colored face that she includes herself in this.

"Yes, I know. I've been out there and I've come up with a plan." She cocks her head curiously at me, willing me to continue. "I met a guy who knows about a camp, a proper one, so we're going to get out of here and find it. It might be a chance for a real life, you know? Something proper."

"Wow." She nods slowly, digesting this. "A real you think that can happen? It feels so...impossible right now. The idea of doing anything other than just getting by is overwhelming."

"I know, but there has to be more than just this, don't you think?"

"Does that mean...?" She bites down nervously on her bottom lip while she ponders how she's going to say whatever's troubling her. "Are we giving up on a hope of this ending anytime soon?"

I hang my head low, wishing I could have a better answer for her. "I guess so, at least for now. But then, if there's ever going to be any chance of rescue, we'll be better off with other people anyway, right?"


While she falls into a moment of glumness, I take my chance. The moment is all wrong, but I go for it anyway. There might not ever be another chance.

"I found some paper that you left in your cell." Urgh, it feels so dirty to admit aloud, like I was snooping or something. "A bit of writing you did where you were confused between me and Ryan."

"What?" Katie's eyes almost bug out of her head as she digests this. "Oh, my goodness..."

"No, please don't panic, it doesn't matter. I understand." I blow out a big breath of air. "I know that you've known him for much longer than me which will make you want him more. I guess...I guess I just want you to know that I do love you, I really do, and while I'll understand whatever way you go, it's important to me that you know. I want to give it my all."

"Oh, Oliver." The next second, Katie's arms are wrapped tightly around my neck. "I'm sorry you had to read that, it really only was one momentary lapse when I wasn't quite in my right mind. I didn't intend for anyone to see it, least of all you! But it isn't that way, it's not. Ryan is someone I knew before, someone I liked before the world went to hell. You are the man I love right now."

"Love?" My whole body warms up as I hear those delicious words. "Are you sure?"

"I haven't even been surer in my life."

With that, she crashes her lips into mine and she solidifies her words. I can almost feel the love floating between us as she does. I loop my arms tighter around her and hold her close, enjoying this one moment of bliss before starting on with the next, more dangerous part of the journey.

The one good thing is at least we'll be doing it together.

Me and Katie. Just how I want it.

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