Your Journey

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No one can say, "Yes, you are a Therianthrope." or "No, you are not a Therianthrope." This is a personal journey of self-discovery that is unique to you. It's up to you to decide based on your own personal experiences, beliefs, and behaviors while meeting the agreed upon definition of Therianthropy and Therianthrope.

"The best way I've read about how to tell if you're a Therian is that, when you find out about it, your life suddenly makes sense." 
-Wolf Van Zandt -

If someone tries on being a Therianthrope for a short period of time, that does not make them a fake. We are all exploring our identities, and that requires trial and error. What to look out for is claims of outrageous abilities such as physically changing shape.

How to Determine if You are a TherianthropeWhere stories live. Discover now