Ch. 25

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"Oh my look at how big they are," Stella cooed looking up at the elephants. Kyle rolled his eyes at her, according to him, poor attempt to get them excited.
Crowley hummed in thought, "Stella, they don't seem to be having much fun..... however," he dug into the diaper bag grabbing a small, clear bottle with a creamish color liquid inside, "this would change that. What do you think, beautiful?"
While the trio dressed as small children weren't fully sure what is was, they had a bad feeling and an idea of what it might be which made them extremely nervous. Stella, knowing precisely what it was, sighed debating. She looked at the three with nothing less than concern, "I don't know... I want them to have fun without that.." she admitted believing littles shouldn't have their headspace forced on them and instead find it on their own.
Crowley narrowed his eyes but sighed figuring she wouldn't have to know if he slipped it in, "Right, well, let's get the little ones lunch, hmm? I'm sure they're famished and want this silly little illusion off of them," he said with a smirk lightly poking Lee's nose tauntingly.
Lee gave a growl swinging one of his feet, landing directly on Crowley's baby maker. The demon hissed a little in pain struggling not to fall to his knees. Stella blinked, "Oh goodness!" she carefully took Lee from Crowley so he wouldn't drop him, or punch him judging by the look on Crowley's face, "What happened?"
"The little rat kicked me!" Crowley growled out not caring to watch what he said, much more focused on the pain.
"Oh now he surly didn't mean to," Stella insisted.
"He did!" Crowley snapped glaring at the technical oldest boy. Stella shook her head though not hearing it.
"No, no, no. Lee's the good boy," she now looked to Lee cooing lovingly, "aren't you baby cakes, you didn't mean to kick Crowley, it was an accident huh?"
Lee flashed Crowley the dirtiest smirk he could before faking utter innocence using his childish voice to add to the act, "Uh huh. No mean to. No mean to. I sowwy. I weal sowwy. No mean to."
"See? He even apologised, what a sweet little one, I bet you were just ready for lunch, hmm?" Stella, not letting Lee answer, already moved to swap Kyle for Lee, "Do you think you can hold Kyle instead?"
Crowley narrowed his eyes angrily, "Of course," Stella smiled now holding Kyle who immediately worked to get away, despite his tries, he was still passed on.
With an irritated huff, "Shouldn't have tried with Lee, drama teacher loved him," he said trying to push away from Crowley now, only to stop at a sharp swat to his bottom.
"Uh huh. You certainly seem more like the acting type."
Kyle arched a brow, "You're kidding."
Crowley shook his head walking slightly behind Stella, "Afraid not, I mean you always act so tough, it's clear you're not as much as you put off I mean, really, have you looked in the mirror lately, Iron Toddler?" Kyle growled slightly only to earn another swat, "I don't appreciate your growling."
"Well I don't appreciate you getting us into this situation," Crowley grinned a bit shrugging as they entered a little restaurant the zoo had to get more money from visitors.
"Hi welcome to Safari! Two adults, three highchairs?"
Stella nodded with a little smile, "Yes please," the waiter nodded leading them to a table. Stella hummed as she and Crowley buckled the three boys into the highchairs, "He's cute," she stated with a soft giggle. Crowley smirked getting the headspace syrium out, this being the perfect distraction he needed.
"Oh? What makes him so cute?" he asked with an arched brow. Stella sighed looking to the worker. Crowley paid no mind to the details she was giving off though, something about his eyes and the way he spoke, something how the way he looked at the little ones just told her he was good with kids, other nonsense, Crowley was focused pouring the liquid he had tried to persuade earlier, slipping them into the boy's bottles.
He stealthily did so while Stella wasn't looking and kept the bottles in the diaper bag as he added it in the three bottles, intentionally adding a tiny bit more into Lee's to teach him better than to pull something like that again. Once done he gladly set the bottles on the trays, "Now you boys drink those while we order," Crowley instructed with a smirk as he opened the menu nudging Stella so she could look with him over what they wanted and what the boys got.
Kyle narrowed his eyes, "Are they ordering for us??" he growled out.
Lee shrugged pulling the bottle, which he had obediently started sucking on, out, "Well he does have the illusion thing on us so we look like babies, babies can't talk or pick for their own," he sucked a little more, feeling an odd need to but pushed it off as just being thirsty, before adding as an afterthought, "at least he is actually feeding us. I was almost certain he wouldn't." 
"Me too," Kyle muttered followed by a sigh as Lee stuck the bottle in his mouth once more then look over to Nick who also had started sucking on his own though not seeming to be as intrested in the drink as Lee was. The youngest brother merely looked around the restaurant finding the decorations much more attention taking.
The younger twin sighed softly a second time but started sucking down the drink as well, humming curiously as he did, it seemed much sweeter, fresher even, than how it normally did. At least it didn't taste bad.
With all three boys lost in their own separate thoughts, they failed to see Crowley's smirk as he watched them from the corner of his eye. He and Stella had decided. The boys would be having macaroni and cheese, Stella was getting the fruit-boat salad, and Crowley a simple petite steak with a side of a baked potato. He chuckled knowing that with the amount he added to the bottles, it wouldn't take the boys long at all to slip into a headspace, likely would stay with them for a long while too, at least until the next morning, possibly slightly longer, enough for Stephen to see them with it working.
Crowley sighed leaning back, now all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the show. He chuckled at the thought.
The waiter came up but he let Stella handle telling him the orders, especially once a little whimper left Kyle as he looked around at the crowds almost nervously, embarrassedly, but it was all he needed to know it was officially in the boys' systems, "Let the fun begin," he muttered amusedly.

The Villain's Twin Baby BoysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz