Chapter 1- New Years Eve

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Yeah ty coming right now !!
(Amy comes out of the bathroom dressed in her dress she wore when ty gave her the promise ring)
(Ty turns around to see his beautiful wife)
WOW Amy you look beautiful !!
Thanks ty you sure lyndy will be ok tonight with Lou and Mitch ??
I'm positive Amy just let's go have a wonderful time !!
Sounds good to me ty !!
Ok then Amy let's go !!
(Ty and Amy run to there truck then goes to the fancy restaurant)
(Ty stops the truck outside)
OH MY GOSH TY this is the most expensive restaurant in Hudson !!
Yeah Amy so
So ty you sure we will be able to afford it !!
Yes Amy we will I promise you !!
Ok ty
(Ty and Amy go inside then sits down)
Hi welcome to the Hudson restaurant can I start you off with something to drink ??
Amy you go
Ok uh I'll take the red cherry wine please
Ok and you sir ??
Um I'll take the lime lemonade wine please
Ok I'll have those out in a few minutes
No problem
(Waiter leaves then ty and Amy talk)
Amy I can't believe you ordered wine !!
I know but ty this is so fancy I don't want to look like a freaking hobo !!
(Ty laughs)
(Waiter comes with drinks)
Ok so miss here's your red cherry wine and
And sir here's your lime lemonade wine
So have you decided of what y'all want ??
Umm Amy you ready ??
Yeah ty
Ok well I'll take the grilled broccoli with mashed potatoes
Ok and you miss
I'm gonna go with the royal chicken salad with ranch
Ok I'll have those out shortly
Thank you
(Waiter leaves)
Ty you ok ??
Yeah yeah I just can't believe we've been married for 3 years now !!
I know time flys dose it not ?!
Amy it surely does !!
(A couple minutes later ty and Amy got there food)
Amy you ok there !!
Huh oh yeah I perfectly fine !!
(Ty laughs as he noticed that Amy is drunk)
Ok you ready ??
For what ty ??
To go home Amy !!
Oh yeah I guess !!
(Ty and Amy leave then go to the loft)
(Amy automatically starts kissing ty)
Whoa Amy let's slow down !!
Oh come on you big baby we did it the night before lyndy's naming ceremony !!
Well Amy I guess your right !!
I'm always right ty !!
Sure you are !!
(Ty picks up Amy and carry's her to the bed)
*we all know where this is going*

Jess- hope y'all liked the first chapter !!

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