-Chapter Eighteen-

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Above is Marigold^^^^ 😊 Hope you enjoy!


The scent of wildflowers, clover, and fresh cut grass fills my nose, the glorious aroma waking me from my slumber...I open my eyes to find its source, my wolf impatient with my delayed efforts.

When they finally open, I find myself staring up at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room...blinking against the bright lights and equally bright walls. It looks like a hospital room...why am I in here?

The scent overpowers the need to answer that question though, and I don't have to look far to find it.

Curled up next to me, a little she wolf with blonde hair sleeps soundly, the golden locks covering her face. I go to reach a hand towards her face, to remove the obstruction that's blocking my view, but I look to see my arm up in a sling. Frustrated, I reach with my other hand and push the hair out of her face, and I purr at the sight of baby pink lips and freckles...

She's perfect...


My wolf purrs again, and I trace over her features gently, planning to burn them to memory. But she begins to stir, shifting against my bandaged chest, making the exposed skin erupt with tiny sparks...

After all these years, I've finally found her...

Her eyes flutter open, and the hazel green depths widen as she catches me staring at her. I smile widely, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hello my love..." I murmur, and her answering smile is practically luminescent. She carefully hugs me, nuzzling her nose into my neck and shoulder affectionately...her almost puppy like behavior making me chuckle.

"You are so adorable..."

She raises her head to look at me, and her hands move to my face and trace over the old scars, and my mouth. I catch her wrist and press a kiss to her palm, resulting in a vibrant blush that brings a low growl to my chest.

"My name is Marcus...what is yours?"

Her eyes narrow, and her hands clench and unclench with obvious stress. She opens her mouth only to close it again, and her frustration is plainly obvious.

"Darling, it's okay...you don't need to stress..."

She takes my outstretched hand in both of her own...her perplexed and conflicted expression worrying me greatly.

"What is it love? What are you trying to say?"

She lets out a quiet sigh, and gestures towards her ears...and I tilt my head to the side as I try to translate her charades...

"Your ears..."

She nods, then immediately crosses her arms to form a giant 'X'.


She returns to pointing to her ears and making the 'X' with her arms.

"Your ears can't..can't..."

I go over it a couple of times before it hits me...she can't hear...my mate is deaf...

"You're deaf my love?"

She nods, a timid look in her eyes, her shoulders hunched as if she's waiting for something to happen...

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