VI: The Dark Shape

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Speech Delivered by Gennady Semyonov: 07/16/2175: Red Square, Moscow, Russia: Translated by Mikhail Dragovic

Citizens of Moscow,

I speak to you now not as one afraid of the Hegemony as I once was. I speak to you no longer as a timid housewife, nor as an obstinate citizen of the great Hegemony. I speak to you today as one who has seen the light, one who now understands fully the true enemy of Russians, of Germans, of Americans, of Westerners everywhere. I have told you that the governments of the west betrayed us in the founding of the Hegemony; so they did. I have told you that the corporate oligarchy holds sway over governments and people around the world; so they do. But those are just words. I am here today to show you the real conspiracy, the true agenda behind the Chinese Hegemony.

Once upon a time, the Western powers were the greatest on Earth. Russia, America, England, these nations ruled the world through the 20th and the first half of the 21st centuries. But when the Grushan made contact, China had already begun to rule the world. Hegemony history tells us that 2016 American isolationism and Russian political manipulation caused this shift. But what about China? Did the sit by and do nothing while the West crumbled? Are we to believe that a people so powerful with so much to gain by our fall had no hand in it? Can this possibly be true, my fellow Muscovites?

Muscovites, Russians, free Westerners of the world, we have been duped, fooled by the greatest trick ever pulled. Because I tell you now, that not only did China laugh upon us as we fell, but they in fact brought us to our knees. In the early 21st century was a chain of middle eastern civil wars. Refugees, as they called them, fled to Europe to settle in France, and England, and Germany. This was the fall of Europe. Then, waves of other "refugees" from Mexico and South America washed into America the same way. This marked the fall of America.

Both events were caused by the Chinese. China funded rebels and warlords both in the middle east, knowing that the Arab flood would bring the West to its knees. Why do you think that in 2063, when the oil markets collapsed, Arab refugees were sent to Russia? The Chinese were making sure no one could challenge them! America and Europe were in their pockets, and all that was left was Russia! And we accepted the "refugees" with open arms in the name of Hegemony, while China accepted no one! And who do you believe caused the oil collapse? Was it the people of the world? Was it the Arabs, who depended on oil trade? If not them, then who? The country that had invested billions into renewable energy? The country that had the most to gain by the collapse?

And what about food? Do you know that there are people in Africa who starve to death every day because they can't grow or hunt? Or what about the diseases in Eastern Europe and America because there aren't enough fresh fruits or vegetables? Or in Japan, where one can no longer buy fresh meat to feed his family? All this while China feasts on fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh meat, fresh fish? What have they done to address the damage caused by climate change?

As I have said, my eyes have been opened. I will no longer be silent against Chinese aggression. The curtain has been thrown aside from this godless regime; soon, the full measure of its corruption will be shown to all. In every revolution, revelation must come first. This is my pledge to you; no longer will I hide in the shadows, or ask for simple representation. Justice will be served; The grievances of history will be righted. It is what Russia and the West deserve. And this I do without fear, without reservation, without quarter or rest to the enemy.

Long live the West!

Text Conversation: From Cynthia Mattingly: To Olivia Mattingly: 07/17/2175

Mon 7:15 AM

Cynthia: Olivia, you awake?

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