Shift (Therianthropic)

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Shift (Therianthropic): a temporary change in mentality, mood, sensory perception, or spirit that causes a Therianthrope to feel more instinctual or animalistic like the therioside in a non-physical manner.

Shifting has been discussed since the beginning of the online Therian community. "Your best mental transformation", is a discussion from AHWW which took place on December 1, 1993.

There will be a separate book about all of the types of shifts in the near future. Please also refer to that when available.


"Your best mental transformation", AHWW, December 1, 1993 -

"Believe It or Not?" written by Meirya, December 2007, Project Shift -

"Types of Shifts" written by Sonne, Project Shift -

Therian Timeline - Words and Concepts -

O. Scribner, "Otherkin lexicon: A multi-lingual dictionary of jargon used in the communities of otherkin, therianthropes, and other similar peoples, v. 0.1 Abridged," last modified Sept. 8, 2012 in The Art and Writing of O. Scribner.

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