Part 8

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It had now been a week since Bakugo has heard from deku. He still didnt know what to think about it. He did receive one message from him the day he left tho. It said
'In the light there is always darkness you will not be able to get ride of the darkness you will turn every corner and find a shadow. Darkness can not be defeated'

This gave bakugo a world of hurt. He did lose one to many brain cells trying to think of what he said.

Today was a normal day for him. He woke up got dressed and went on patrol for his hero work. Everything seemed normal. Until something happened...

While walking past the mall he saw and heard a loud explosion. People were running and screaming some were hurt and some were so scared they didnt move. Heros all across the city came to help out.

Bakugo ran inside to see what was up when his eyes widened at what he saw.

Never in his life did he want to be put in this situation.

There he was.

He had a child in his arms crying for their mum. He held a knife to his throat.

It was deku.

(This is what i imagine his suit looks like

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(This is what i imagine his suit looks like. YES I DREW THIS BTW xD i drew it for the story hahahah XD. Like it? I dont like it but i just wanted like a lil representation)

Bakugos heart had dropped seeing the sight of his friend. He didnt want to believe that this was even happening. He would have wanted to die first before even looking at this sight of deku.

He didnt even seem like he held emotion in his eyes.

Deku looked over to his friend and actually noticed him. He pulled down his mask waving with his free hand with a smile on his face

"Hi there hero~" He said blankly as if holding no emotion. Even that smile he held was fake.

Bakugo noticed this and looked down. How could this ever happen to his friend? There was no was this was actually him... right?

Bakugo looked up to a deku with no smile or emotion this hurt the guy even more seeing that even in this situation he wasnt showing emotion.

They finally met eye contact and it sent a chill down Bakugos spin. He saw in his eyes there was emotion. But only emotion of sadness pain and suffering, he had no clue what deku was going through.

All he knew is right now he had to save the boy.

"Izuku! Let the boy go we can talk this out!" Bakugo yelled pleading that he let the captured boy go

"Talk it out? Like we use to right?..." he sounded dull no emotion in his words at all

"Yeah- yeah exactly. Just please let the boy go."

"A hero... actually trying to Bargain with the villain? Oh how low youve fallen Kacchan." Deku let the boy go as he ran away crying

Bakugo started walking towards his friend in pain. Not physical pain but he was hurt that deku had turned into this.

"Please Izuku." He pleads "please just come back to me."

Deku looked up quite shocked. What exactly did he mean by 'come back to him'

"What are you talking about- these explosions. These wounded people... heheh.. all of it... heheh... everything was me!" He laughed hardly as he had a smirk on his face

"Please stop..."




"But why? Just come back to me please"


"Im not coming back from this insane state~"


Tick... tick... tick..

"Izuku Midoriya. You always will have a home."


"Youll always have a home with me. No matter what happens no matter what you do. I will always be here for you"


Tears started falling down dekus face. He felt like he actually belonged somewhere for once.. he put his hand up to his eyes feeling that he was crying as he hadnt realised

"You might be saying no but your tears say it all Izuku... please come back to me. Stop all this Villain nonsense"

With that Deku turned around smiling this time a heart warmed smile he hasnt had for 3 years

"Goodbye. Until next time"

He the walked off disappearing before Bakugo could catch him

Next time? When would that next time be... he wasnt planning on doing something this stupid again was he?

Sorry for the late update and the short chapter...

I will try update faster and all that shit.

Thank for reading asshats.

Actually what do you guys wanna be called? I keep calling you asshats XD my signature word

What do you guys wanna be called?

Well cya in my next chapter~

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