✓ || 1 sprained leg

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Today is the last day of the year and you decided to spend the whole day at the park. You don't know why but you just felt doing it. However, boredom immediately conquered your whole existence when you realized that merely sitting on the bench while occasionally checking out for any street dramas is draining all of your energy.

You were strolling your sight around the place when a sight of a fluffy doggo came up to your view. Feeling the adrenaline rushing all throughout your body, you stood up from the bench and ran to catch and pet it. The fluff doggo, who got confused on your sudden interruption on its personal space, sprinted away from you. 

"H-HEY! STOP!" Your breathing started to hitch on how fast the corgi was dashing. Due to your eyes only focusing on the smol mammal, you didn't took notice on how the ground is starting not to level.

"DOGE STO--" It was too late for you to realize that you were already out of balance, your face on the verge of planting on the ground. 

Kusuo, who was just passing by, saw the whole scenario on where you were acting like a loco trying to catch a puppy. Although it is kind of an annoying coincidence that you and him always cross paths everytime you decided to take a stroll in the town, it also just states on how small the world really is. When he witnessed how you fell on the dirt, he can't help but to get entertained on your own clumsiness. 

Despite that, he still can't hide the fact that he was quite guilty on not doing anything to help you when he saw your pained expression. You felt a stinging pain rotting in your left leg, and no matter how hard you try, you still can't stand up.

The pink haired boy's conscience won over him as he found himself walking towards you to check on your condition. He was confused on why you weren't healed immediately since according to what he remembers, he actually kind of played with the reality in which lets any injuries of any people from this universe to be gone in such a short notice.

What he didn't know is it's because you were not from this universe.

It took you not too long to notice Kusuo's presence beside you, your gaze shifting to his direction. He gave you a disappointed look, stating the fact on how idiotic you were and all of these was your fault.

"Hey there, Kusuo." You showed him a quick smile while trying to pose as if you were just sitting on the ground casually without any problem. 

Kusuo heaved in a deep breath before crouching in front of you, his back facing against you. With one of his slender fingers raised, he pointed his back, signing you to climb to it for your support. Your eyes dilated with his suggestion as you wildly shook your head from left to right.

"Oh no no mister! I'd rather crawl my way back to my place." And with that, you flopped your legs fully on the dust-filled ground and started sliding your body like a monster who just got stabbed in its feet despite the pain you were feeling on your leg. The pink haired boy huffed in a distressed manner, some people now looking at your horrible condition.

"Your shirt's getting dirty." He mumbled ever so quietly that even he, himself, can't hear. He stood up from his crouching position before picking you up from the ground with ease.

"W-WHA-"He placed you gently on the bench in where you once sat before scrunching down in front of you once again. You, who got no choice but to surrender to his opinion, hesitantly wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs on his waist, piggy back riding him.

He slowly straightened his body, supporting your legs with his arms placed on it to prevent you from falling. 

"I'm super heavy right? You could actually just assist me towards a cab, ya' know." He hasn't said anything from your blabbering and continued to walk. You breathed out a sigh as you rested your chin on his shoulder, giving up in the idea of arguing towards Kusuo since it would just lead you to nowhere.

People, specifically a group of middle aged women, started giving you two some dirty looks, sternly judging the life out of you. They started muttering on how disgusting the generation is today, displaying such explicit affection in the public. You signed the boy who was currently carrying you to stop walking, which he did.

"Um, excuse me ma'ams.. May I have a moment of your time" The ladies looked over at you and were confused on why you were giving them such kind smiles.

"I wasn't informed that chivalry is now rated such a horrible action. If you really wanted to see explicitly themed scenarios, why don't you all check your children's browsing history?" You ordered Kusuo to carry on and with that, the two of you left the park. 

"DID YOU SEE THEIR EXPRESSIONS? IT WAS PRICELESS!" You tightened your wrapping around his neck as you excitedly rubbed your cheek with his. After your mood died, you then simply told him the directions to your apartment, unaware that he actually knew where it is.

Twenty minutes or so has passed and the sight of your beloved home can already be seen. However, as the two of you reached the gate, Kusuo unexpectedly placed you on the ground, making you look like a cockroach who can't stand up from its back.

"What the heck?!" 

"You told me to bring you to your apartment, right? Well, here it is." You glared at him before punching his leg, yet he still didn't flinch.

"YOU'RE A MONST-" Before you could even finish your sentence, he once again carried you. This time, his arms are the one supporting all of your body as if you two were just newly weds.

"Yes, that's right, minion. Carry me to my kingdom!" You dramatically pointed towards your door. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and walked you towards it. Once you arrived in your destination, you reached for your key from your pocket and opened the door.

With you in his arms, Kusuo entered your apartment and went to your couch just as what you commanded. He then placed you down rather harshly on it, like placing a bundle of heavy papers on a table.

"JESUS! YOU COULD HAVE BROKE MY NECK!" He just looked at you sternly before acting to walk out from your place.

"Hoi wait!" His steps were halted upon hearing you call him, shifting his sight to you and signing you to continue your sentence.

"Thanks." You closed your eyes in a grateful manner while giving him a silly grin. He pursed his lips before proceeding to exit, closing and locking your door afterwards.

You laid your back on the couch comfortably, enjoying the peace and silence that took over your house. Suddenly, a realization hit you like a truck which made you sat up from the couch and look at your wooden door with a little bit of fear consuming the best of you.

Kusuo locked you from the outside. 




The smol mystical doggo is not held responsible for any of your injuries.

The smol mystical doggo is not held responsible for any of your injuries

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