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Everyone assembled in the hall thinking why they were called.

They saw Payal sitting on the couch swinging her phone. Khushi too was confused with all this.

"Payal, why did you call us here??" Aakash asked not able to understand her. 

These days she is behaving so weird.

"Wait let everyone come, I don't want anyone to miss what I'm going to say. Who knows I'll be living in this house the next moment or not."

"Payal, you are not going any where.." 

"Leave it Akaash, I'm done arguing with you.. Will you please call your mother and so that I can say what I want."

"Weren't you the one who wanted to stay away from my mother??"

"Who said that? I never did and she herself isn't coming to meet me. I'm missing her a lot."


"HPji can you please call Aakash's mother?" Payal requested ignoring Aakash.

After few minutes Manorama came down confused.

"Come come, we were waiting for you only. Now as she is here I would like to ask some questions. Let's start with Ms. Kashyap."

"So Ms Kashyap, how are you, long time no see? You came here suddenly and may I know the reason?"

Before Lavanya could answer she continued

"We're you missing your Boyfriend?"

"No, ASR isn't my boyfriend, we broke up long back!"

"Ohh, but the way you are behaving around him doesn't seem so. You weren't this close to him when you both were in a relationship now when you aren't in one why this change??"

"No we are just friends nothing more."

"Ok let's believe you, and you Mr Arnav Singh Raizada, did you forget you have a wife that you are behaving as if you are a bachelor??"

"No Payal, you are taking it all wrong. I....."

"Yes I'm, as I'm not accustomed to your high class behavior where inspite of being married you go behind other women.."

"PAYAL, Think before you speak to my Bhai. "

"Oh, now I should think but your brother won't think about anyone to go behind other women, Why is it Aakash??"

"I told you earlier and saying it again my bhai isn't that type of man."

"Ok I agree that your brother is a saint who won't give a glance to another woman, but why is Lavanya living here in this house when you all know that she is your brother's Ex or they are rekindling their love??"

"Payal please stop it. What all you are thinking is just wrong. Lavanya is just a friend nothing more." Arnav said not wanting to create more problems in between them.

"It's ok jiji, all these doesn't matter now and why are you stressing yourself on these unimportant things?" Khushi said

"No Khushi, I know how it feels when your husband ignores you and here he is doing that for another woman. I can't even imagine your state."

"I'm used to it and which husband are you talking about? Arnav Singh Raizada? Then let me tell you he is my husband for next fifteen days only."


"Yes, we had a contract marriage for six months which is going to end in next fifteen days!"

"What are you saying Khushi, contract marriage? For six months? Why?"

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