Chapter 22

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Its unedited again, do point out if I have made mistakes. Thank you!

I couldn't say a word to Terrence.

There was so much I wanted to say to him. I wanted to slap him, curse him, kiss him, tell him I love him - so much I wanted to do but instead, I stayed silent.

Still and silent.

Only the babies' giggles and the sound of my heart pounding was heard by my ears. It seemed that even Terrence had a lot to say but couldn't say a word. All the promises we had made to each other before today seemed like white lies now.

We promised each other to stay together.

We promised each other to fight for the twins we had loved so much.

We promised each other to be strong.

We were none of that now.

We were sitting next to each other yet there seemed to be a distance between us. My insecurity had hurt him. The entire situation had hurt me and it was making me feel insecure.

I doubted my capabilities of making decisions. For a moment, I thought it would've had been better if I had taken legal custody of the twins the moment I had found them. It might be a tedious process, but it could have saved me a lot of heartache now.

But I had trusted Terrence. And I still trusted him. We both were confident that Vincent Powers would be understanding, that it would be a simple matter of discussion and then everything would be solved.

But the world was not as black and white as it seemed.

"Alyssa." Terrence finally whispered, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Everything will be alright." I lied perfectly, "We might not have seen this coming, but we'll find a way out of this mess." My tone rose slowly, "We will find a way to keep Raine and Ryan with us - I'll do anything to make sure of that. I didn't find two babies in a dumpster, took them to my place, cared for them, loved them, spent sleepless nights, restless days just to give them away to a heartless bitch —"

"— Did you just say dumpster?"


Terrence looked at me with such gravity in his eyes that I squirmed in my place. For a woman as clingy as I was, it was for the first time that I wasn't cuddling Terrence or sitting in his lap. The distance felt better this time round.



"Alyssa. I'm not going to ask you again. Where did you find the twins?"

"It will definitely be better if you don't ask me again. I found them in a carton in an alley behind the hospital."

"Any lies of omission?" He asked again, his disbelief showing on his face.

"Nope." I didn't look at him.

"Alyssa, look I know you're mad at me—"

"— I'm not mad at you, Terrence!" I shouted, "You had no idea this would happen! We were being too careless and didn't prepare ourselves for this...mess well. It's not our fault. But this doesn't mean I'm going to let the twins suffer just because we couldn't take right decisions at the right time! I have no idea what Larissa will do to them and I'm not going to let your father be an idiot and jeopardise everything I've taken care of. I don't want Raine and Ryan to grow up feeling rejected just because I didn't fight for them the way I should have!"

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