Chapter Seven: Free Speech

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     The SynTech store opened around nine in the morning, and by the time Tyler and Aiden got there, customers already filled the store. It was the first time Tyler took Aiden out with this many people compared to his jogs in the morning. Tyler felt self-conscious having an android following his tail.

     Tyler thought it might be because of Aiden's clothes were half dirty. He regretted neglecting taking care of Aiden's appearance, ignorant that the first rule of Android ownership was to buy the android a few things as well. He knew they were judging him based on Aiden's state. Androids were like puppies, pets that although were intelligent and capable of managing themselves, still had to be on a leash.

     There was a small protest of about a dozen people outside the SynTech store, but Tyler didn't mind them as he dragged Aiden into the building. He caught a glance at some of their signs. One woman was screaming at anyone who would hear her how androids stole her job and that she couldn't afford her house anymore. She gave Tyler a deathly stare when he passed.

     The same female attendant that spoke to him last time greeted him, and she happily showed him the way to the android's clothing section. He browsed through some long-sleeved shirts and pants, as well as a couple dozen or so shoes on the rack. He already checked on Aiden's clothing size; large to extra-large for the clothes and around size 12 for the footwear. But the clothes only came in three colors: black, white, and gold. Sometimes a combination of two or three of those colors. There wasn't a real variety in the aesthetic department.

     When Tyler found a shirt that would fit Aiden and shoes that paired well with it, he turned around to show it to him, but Aiden was gone. Panic took hold of him, and he wildly looked around the store to find him. But a salesclerk pointed him out, staring at one of the androids displayed in the middle of the store.

     Aiden tilted his head to the side as he stared at an Asian-looking female android in front of him. She didn't pay Aiden any attention and Tyler approached him from behind.

     "Aiden? Are you okay?"

     Aiden swung his head around in surprise. Tyler was, too. He didn't know androids were capable of that, looking like they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Aiden smiled warmly at him. "Hello, Tyler, I was just observing this AD-600."

     "Is that so?"

     "Yes. I was asking her how she's doing today. But I don't have a response yet."

     Tyler pursed his lips. "And how long have you been waiting?"

     "For five minutes. I'm sure she's debating whether she was. I'm just waiting here for an answer."

     Tyler guffawed. An android was talking to another android. Who would've thought? Tyler stared at the android Aiden was talking to. "Well, how are you?" he asked.

     The female android turned to him and smiled, "I am very well, thank you for asking." The android's voice sounded off. It was subtle, but Tyler could tell the drastic difference between Aiden's and the woman's voice modulator. Tyler realized this must be what Eileen mentioned about how robotic sometimes the AD-600s were.

     Aiden was perplexed how Tyler got the android talking. He frowned at her, but Aiden didn't say anything.

     "The clothes are this way, Aiden," Tyler pointed out at the clothing section, and Aiden followed after him.

     "She was rude," said Aiden once they put enough distance between the other androids.

     Tyler stared at Aiden. Was he upset? "I think only humans can talk to them, Aiden."

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