Mate (pt.21)

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Days went by as we prepared for the upcoming war with my mother. Border patrol has been reinforced, fighters were being trained harshly by me, and I continued to have nightmares.

The nightmares plagued my sleep to the point where I no longer wished to sleep. However, Rush came into my room every night, making sure I slept. His presence brought me a sense of security and comfort. At first he would simply lay there, not speaking a word. An awkward silence would fill the room, but as the days went by, everything changed. He would ramble about things that happened to him when he was younger, letting me fall asleep to his soothing voice, or rake his hand through my hair, lulling me to sleep. I no longer screamed myself awake, only gasped as if the air was taken out of me, but it was progress.

In these pasts few nights I learned that Rush is very close to his parents and likes to have dinner with them every Sunday. When he was a teen his main hobby was skateboarding. He told me he had long hair and bangs to go with his 'skater' look.

Goddess, I would pay to see that.

Our relationship is slowly starting to grow, which scares me. I was taught that mates were a weakness, yet being around him, I feel stronger and safe. My mind constantly fought with me over the way I felt about Rush. Samuel saw my internal battle and told me that it was okay to forget about our values, to forget everything that was engrained into our heads. I promised to try, but the bond isnt my number one priority right now.

I will let our relationship grow naturally, if anything develops, then I will accept it. After the war, if the our relationship grows, I shall be named Luna of this pack. Alpha Samuel has agreed to letting Rush and I take over. Before all of this had happened, Samuel had chosen me to be the Alpha of the warrior pack, when he was to step down. It all seemed to fall into place, like the moon goddess knew this would all happen.

The moon goddess works in mysterious ways, my wolf acknowledges.

Tomorrow, I am going to have dinner with Rush's parents. Rush said that meeting the parents would be the first step in taking our bond to the next level. I agreed eventhough part of me didnt care to meet his parents. Though the thought of meeting the people who made Rush made me nervous, and I usually don't get nervous.

Though, I suppose meeting my mates parents for the first time is rather nerve-racking, especially with my current state.

If I wasn't training the fighters, I was on patrol or working on more documents. Alpha Kane found the traitor in his pack almost instantly, however no matter how much the traitor was tortured, he didn't talk, and ended getting a knife to the chest. We were right back at square one.

That didn't make anyone happy.

So, here I am, snuggling into the arms of my mate, until he wakes up. In my eyes, he was perfection. I loved his raven black hair; it went nicely with his electric blue eyes. His jaw is sharp with some stubble, that made him look even more handsome. If that's even possible. I wondered if we had a child if it would have his raven hair or my snow white hair. Would he or she have my green eyes or his blue? Only thing I knew for sure, they would be beautiful. A chill runs up my spine at my thinking; a child? Could I actually have a future with this man? No...that's absurd!

"Staring at someone sleeping is considered creepy" a husky voice sounded

"I was gazing, not staring" I defended

His hand reaches out to cup my cheek, "I like it when you blush"

At his comment, my face grew hot.

"Come on, we have work to do" he lifted from the bed, then proceeded to look for clothes.

I could feel my wolf push foward as he changed out of t-shirt, putting his abs on display. Next thing I knew, he had a blue dressy shirt on. My wolf growled in my head as his hands reached for the hem of his basket ball shorts, about to pull them down, but suddenly stops. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion as an exasperated sigh leaves my mouth. The sound of loud laughter causes me to look up into my mates eyes.

"Pervert" he chuckled

My wolf retreats to the back of my mind, trying to hide away from her embarrassment. I simply hid underneath the covers, trying to control the emotions running through me. The mate bond is a strange thing. At times I was completely enamored with Rush, at other times I wanted to hide away from it all. To not feel the overwhelming feeling that messes with my mind.


The day went by smoothly with no new threats to our pack. Alpha Kane had called to talk to Rush about the upcoming war, saying he wanted to be apart of it. Surprisingly, Alpha Kane was not the only one who wanted to join. Every pack who was attacked, and those who simply wanted to rid of the threat offered to help.

It was a kind and noble gesture, but it was one we had to deny. Bringing other packs into this war would only lead them to my mothers identity, along with my identity as well. I do not have the elders on my side to help soothe the nerves of neighboring packs of my existence, so it is better to leave my identity as Alex the warrior.

However, with respectfully declining their help, we gained the attention of the Power Pack.

And that was not good.

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