Flaw In The Plan

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"Can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, please Mommy?" asked Jake after he neatly parted his hair on the left side and combed it down.

"Of course, dear," replied Lisa. She headed downstairs to prepare him one. The suitcase now filled to the brim with a mixture of their clothes, left unzipped.

Jake followed and watched her spread the peanut butter onto the bread when the sound of a car pulling into the driveway made them look briefly at each other before turning to face the hallway. They're early!

She dashed to the front door after passing the sandwich to Jake who followed her while chewing on it.

"You guys are ear-"

She stared in horror when she heard the sound of key being slotted into the key hole. Panic set in. She remembered when he knocked her out and left a bruise on her face. Instinct told her his threat was not to be taken lightly. Turning around quickly, she saw Jake looking up at her, still munching his sandwich. Oh my God, what do I do? He'll kill me!

Her husband remained clueless about her plan. Out of fear for her life and safety, she made the decision with Elaine and Chris that it would be best to leave quietly.

"Okay Dad, I'll see you then," said Lisa and she hung up the phone.

"Well?" asked Elaine.

"Are you staying here?" asked Chris, receiving a quick glare from Elaine.

"She's staying with me if not with her dad," said Elaine.

"Jake and I will stay at my dad's for a while. At least until things quiet down and I can save enough to rent a place of our own," said Lisa, still clutching the phone tightly.

"Are you okay?" asked Chris. His gaze shifted briefly to her hand before returning to her face.

"I'm...I...I don't know. I'm scared," said Lisa. She couldn't bring herself to look at him much longer and resorted to looking at the phone in her hands.

"We're here for you. Let's us help," said Elaine, edging closer to Lisa, "Tell us how."

"Yeah. What do you need help with?" asked Chris, concern on his face.

"I'm... I'm scared to tell him. I don't know how. I'm worried he'll hit me again," said Lisa, slight panic in her voice.

"Listen to me. He won't ever hit you again. Let's tell the cops!" Elaine suggested.

"Are you crazy? I can't do that!" Lisa protested.

"And why not?" Demanded Elaine.

"He's my husband- "

"Not a very good one!"

"She's right, Lisa. You need protection, you know, just in case- " Chris said, agreeing with Elaine.

"Just in case what exactly?" Concern etched all over Lisa's face.

"In case his rage overtakes his common sense and he kills you in the process," he added, quietly.

Both Lisa and Elained turned to stare at him with shock visible on their faces.

"I can't believe you said that. Isn't that a bit much?" Elaine replied after she's regained her composure.

Chris merely shrugged and looked away. Regardless of what Elaine said, Lisa couldn't help wondering if Chris was right about the situation. Couples in a row, one end up dead. Is it suicide or murder? It's not unheard of. In some countries, it may even be common!

Lisa stared at the floor for five whole minutes before speaking up again, "We can't rule out that he might hurt me and accidentally hurt Jake too in the process. I can't let anything happen to Jake. I won't!"

Chris mustered the courage to look at Lisa and replied, "But you don't want the cops involved?"

"No, I don't want him to get in trouble either. Maybe we can do this quietly?" Lisa suggested.

"Slip away without telling him?" Elaine asked.

Lisa nodded.

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