The News

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Jackson eventually put the device away and handed me a towel to clean Yoongi off. I gently wiped down his belly, caressing it softly after. I placed a small kiss to Yoongi’s still nonexistent bump and then to his lips.
“Alright, Hoseok, I'll take you back to your room to get Yoongi dressed, then I'll be in to talk.
Once we got back to the room, Hoseok helped me change, then we sat and waited for Jackson.
“Yoongi, I can't believe we're going to have pups so soon! I've always wanted to have my own pups, with a beautiful mate!” Hoseok gushed.
I took his hand.
“Me too, Hobi. I'm so excited that you're my mate. My alpha.”
Jackson interrupted our small heart to heart when he knocked on the door.
“Hey, so I have these, I think you might want them.” Jackson handed me a folder. I pulled out it's contents and couldn't help but smile brightly at the pictures of our baby. Yoongi leaned over onto my shoulder to look and tenderly ran his finger across the picture, smiling at the pictures of our pups.
“Now Yoongi, you are still a bit too light, so please try to eat whole meals. It many get easier because your appetite might increase, but if not,” Jackson turned to look at me, “Hoseok, he better eat three whole meals a day, plus snacking.” Yoongi’s eyes widened.
“I cant.” Jackson raised an eyebrow.
“You will for your pup. Mark felt the same way at first, then he realized that it was for our pup, and he complied. And Hoseok is going to love you no matter what so don't pull the ‘i don't wanna get fat’ bullshit on me because I've known this boy his whole life and he's always been so adamant on finding his perfect mate, and I believe he's definitely found him.” Jackson smiled. I nodded my head, mouthing a ‘thank you’ before pulling Yoongi onto my lap and rubbing his belly.
“He's right, you know.” I whispered in my mate's ear.
“I know.” He sighed, placing his hands over my own as we held his belly.
We sat like that for awhile with Jackson going over important information until he had to go see another patient.
“Bye Hoseok, nice seeing you again. Congratulations to you both! I'll be seeing you at a pack meeting very soon,” Jackson said, turning his attention to Yoongi before walking off to his next appointment.
“Well, Mr. Future Pack Leader, are you excited?” Yoongi asked, hugging me tightly.
“I don't think I've been this excited in my entire life. There are three moments in my life where I can say I've been truly excited. When Kookie was born, when we mated, and right now.” I said, rubbing Yoongi’s back.
“Same really,” Yoongi started, smiling up at me, “When I met you, when we mated, and now.”
“I love you Yoongi, thank you for being the best mate and friend ever.”
We left the hospital and started walking to my parent's house.
“I'm excited. Yoongi, my mom and dad miss having pups around. They're going to be so happy!” I said as I knocked on the door. My dad opened and pulled into a strong hug and then my mate.
“Hobi! How are you?” My dad asked, smiling widely.
“I'm doing amazing dad. Can you go get mom?” My dad walked back inside and came back with my mom following behind.
“Okay, we have some good news.” I said, wrapping an arm around Yoongi’s waist. I looked down at my mate, and he smiled at my parents.
“Well, um, I'm pregnant.” Yoongi stuttered, a gummy smile plastered on his face.
“Congratulations! Oh! Hobi, Yoongi! I'm so happy for you!” My mom started crying and hugged us tightly.
“Well, I guess we know for sure whos taking my place.” A saw a small tear slip down my dad's cheek.
“I'm so happy for you son. I can't believe this happened so soon.” His voice cracked as he hugged me tightly.
“Yoongi, sweetie,” My mom started, placing his hands on my omega's shoulders, “I will be here for you, through everything. Okay? If you ever need anything at all. I'm here, and I'll come over on days where Hoseok is training. I'll even get Phil to let Dan come over, and I'm sure the Jimin would come to hang out with you in a heartbeat.” Yoongi was crying again.
“Thanks mom.” He whispered and my mom hugged him again.
“Hobi you got so lucky.” My mom said as he hugged Yoongi.
“You picked a good one, son.” My dad placed his arm over my shoulders.
“I know, dad. I picked the best.”

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