The door

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All you wanted to do was sleep and find michael, maybe get some answers from him, but the bombardment of questions seemed to be endless when you returned to the fire. Laurie, Jake and nea were all in shock that you had escaped unharmed while the others praised you for outsmarting michael.

If only they knew what had happened, but you knew your lips had to remained sealed. Laurie sat next to you as you layed down to try and sleep "I know you didn't just get lucky, tell me what happened" she demanded. Sighing, you sit up and stare at her "I can't tell you" you said flatly. "I dont even know what happened, but I know I need answers."

She seemed intrigued and waited for you to elaborate. What could you say to her that wouldn't make you sound crazy? Yeah 'I think I was michael myers romantic interest before this and I find comfort in his arms even after I watched him murder you' Theres no way she will understand. How can she? You don't even understand. All you know is, you have to see him again.  "Look, laurie, I'll tell you when I get things figured out. Just believe I had a stroke of luck and escaped unharmed"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but she nodded curtly and walked away. Finally you layed down and closed your eyes. The entity seemed angry as its voice was harsh in your ear "Stop what you're doing. You'll find no answers here" You ignored its whispers. You knew the door to your memories was in your dreams. You just had to find it. Your body relaxed as you fell into your dream land. The same as it always was, endless trees. You knew where you were going this time though and immediately walked into the direction of the river. Avoiding the tree root you tripped over previously, you slide down the hill this time instead of falling.

The river just up ahead. Bursting through the tree line you see no sign of Michael, but the gap between the two river banks has lessened and the raging river has calmed some. Still too treacherous to cross however. The other side of the river is still as open as it was but a young tree sapling is growing. Just barely visable over the grass. The differences between the two sides of the river were profound.

The side you were on was covered with trees and full of life, while the opposite side was open with no trees and no forms of life. Both sides were dark, but the moon shone brightly on your side while it was very dark on the opposite bank. Still, the water glistened from the moon light, raging as it was, it was beautiful. Deciding to see if the bank narrowed further down the river, you turn on your heel and start walking.

The calm peaceful feeling washed over you as you walked and you saw a figure sitting at the edge of the river on the opposite bank. It was michael! He was sitting with his knees to his chest with his head lowered to his knees. "Michael!" You called out excitedly and ran to stand opposite him. His head snapped up and he abruptly stood up. He said nothing but he reached out his hand. You reached out your hand to his, desperately wishing you could reach him.

What was your connection to this man? Why did you yearn for him to hold you again? None of that seemed to matter at this point. It didn't even matter to you that he was a killer. After your last trial, you knew he wouldn't hurt you. No, some part of him loved you. What ever was left of his humanity knew you and wouldn't hurt you.

The river calmed down as you held out your hands to each other. He said nothing before he stepped into the river and calmly walked across. About half way through it got too deep and he started to swim. Before you knew it he was on your side of the river, looming over you. Dripping wet and shivering. He had grabbed your outstretched hand and placed it on his cheek, leaning his face into your touch.

The moon seemed to shine on you both as you stood there, basking in each others presence. The moon gave you enough light to examine his features. Short wavy brown hair, piercing blue eyes, thick eyebrows, pointed nose, thin lips and a square jaw. He had a few scars on his face but you couldn't help but marvel at the handsome man in front of you. Most of the killers were incredibly deformed or lacked human appearances.

His eyes were closed and he sighed as you lifted your other hand to stroke his cheek. "Michael I need answers" you whisper to him. He released your hand and stared at you, but said nothing. Having already ruined the moment you press him again. "Please, Michael. I dont know who you are to me or what I was to you." You paused as he pulled his face from your hands and turned to walk from you, but you caught his arm. "I want to know why I feel this way about you. Why I'm not afraid of you. I...want" pausing to think if you really want to say this. If you don't, he'll walk away. You tug his arm even harder and stand in front of him. "I want to love you Michael"

Shock was written on his face and he grabbed you by the back of the neck and turned your head up towards his. His piercing blue eyes gazed at your lips and he closed the gap between you both and pressed his lips to yours. It was tentative and shy, despite the grip he had on your neck. You weren't afraid. His lips against yours felt right and you returned the kiss with more fervor than he had. Pressing your body flush against his and wrapping your arms around his neck.

He sighed into the kiss, seemingly relieved you returned his affection. You could no longer hear the entity at all. The river was silent. All that existed to you was michael. You were all that existed to him. The kiss didn't last long but it was enough for you both, for now. He pulled you to the ground with him. "I already love you (    )" he said. "Then tell me how we know each other." you demanded "Tell me how this happened." He shifted you in his lap so your back was placed against his chest.

His breathing was even but his heart was erratic. "We were childhood friends" he stated. His voice was deep and intimidating when he wasn't whispering. "You were the only one who understood what I was going through and you cared about me, despite my violent tendencies." His arms tightened around you "You visited me in the sanatorium until I wasn't allowed visitors anymore. I don't regret killing anyone, except for that nurse. If I hadn't, I would have still been allowed visitors." He started to continue but his body vanished and you were left alone. You were always alone, even with other survivors around you. For the first time, loneliness bothered you.

The river started raging again, and the entity was back to yelling in your ear. "Don't disobey me! I own you. I am the master of your future and you will do as I say!" You ignored what it said and suddenly jolted awake. David was crouched in front of you holding your arm a spot of red where he pinched you.

"Finally awake huh (____)?" He looked smug. He was a good friend and all but he could be such a smug bastard. "Shove off david" you replied. He laughed and stood up. "The others are in a trial he said. "Its just you, me and jake" he pointed at Jake across the fire, organizing his tool box. Too engrossed in what he was doing to care.

You sat up and leaned against the log behind you and David sat next to you. "So what were ya dreaming about?" He asked. "You were sighing and smiling in your sleep." You blushed, recalling the moment you had shared with michael. Now that you were awake, you could clearly think about what he had said to you.

You knew each other as kids? It made you wonder what he was like. What happened after he broke out of the sanatorium? Had you been lovers? The mere thought of him like that way made your thighs involuntarily press together. You wondered if he was good. Probably inexpierenced but so were you. David waved his hand in front of your face. "Hello? Realm to (    ). What are you blushing at? Did you have a wet dream?"

You snapped out of your daze and punched him in the shoulder. "No you pervert!" He laughed for a moment and then asked in a serious tone. "Then what were you dreaming about? You looked happy." Sighing, you rest your chin in your palm. "Nothing special. Just someone from long ago who I'm struggling to remember." You said and stared off into space.

The door to your memories was Michael. That much you knew, but getting him to open up? You didn't know if you could. He told you some, but he was reluctant. How much would he be willing to share? You were already willing to share your heart and soul with this man. Sighing, you make up your mind. 'I'll just have to find the key'

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