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Can't Count

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Chapter Three - Can't Count


"He did what?" Rebekah gasped.

I looked down at my hands in slight mortification. I haven't felt this weak in a long time.

Nick Sinclair had made me feel so powerless when he'd effortlessly made me agree to work for him—by blackmailing me.

He was a fiend straight from hell.

"I'm going to teach that manwhore some manners." Rebekah was suddenly rolling her sleeves up and reaching for her phone, which was lying on the nightstand.

I quickly took the phone out of her reach.

"What are you doing, Rebekah?"

"What do you think?" she snapped. "He can't just manipulate people like that. Okay! His own employees, fine! But my friend? NO!"

I sighed.

"And what was my dimwit for a brother doing there?" She gritted her teeth.

"Mr. Andrews tried his best, Rebekah. In fact, if Nick Sinclair had called the cops, I'd be the one in trouble. Maybe that's why he didn't say much."

She frowned.

"That jerk! I've always hated Nick's guts," she snapped, but when she tried to snatch her phone I hid it behind me.

"Give me my phone, Caroline."

"No, you don't understand, Reb. If you call him and he gets mad, he'll somehow find a way to take it out on me. I'll be his secretary until Penny recovers and I don't wanna find out what a person like him can do."

She was silent for a few moments and then she let out a frustrated groan.

"Fine! But if he does anything again, you tell me, okay? Not stupid Blake, not your aunt in a town far, far away..."

I let out a chuckle at that.

"I'm serious, Care." She tried to keep a straight face but a smile formed on her lips.

"What's your beef with Sinclair anyway?" I asked.

Her eyes literally rolled to the back of her head at that. "Let's just say that he is a cocky bastard who thinks he can have every fucking woman in this world."

I blinked at her.

"Which is why I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you." She burst out laughing.

I swear she acts bipolar sometimes.

I narrowed my eyes for a moment. "You are joking, aren't you?"

"Nope." She jumped back on her bed and pulled the covers on top of her.

"You start tomorrow, right?" she asked.

I had been preventing myself from thinking about it. How bad can it be?

I nodded.

"Well! Good luck, Caroline," she sang and closed her eyes with a chuckle.

I let out a cry and went to bed. I had high marks in my courses so far so I was going to skip a few classes this upcoming week to learn things at Sinclair Enterprises.

It's gonna be alright, Caroline.

I'd been through worse. How big of a deal could a billionaire playboy be?


I looked at my reflection in the mirror as the elevator took me up to the devil's den.

I was wearing a white blouse and a black pencil skirt. It was a borrowed outfit from Rebekah.

Nick's TroubleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz