The Fag Swag {26}

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                “Molly! Where’s Phil?” I asked, going up to her in school.

                Molly shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know. What happened on the date Nick?” she asked.

                I sighed and explained everything. Molly frowned and pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged her back and took a deep breath, releasing her.

                “I’m going to make this right,” I said, my voice more confident than I actually felt.

                “Nick, what the hell did you do to Phil?” Angel demanded, storming over.

                Molly shoved him away from me roughly and glared at him. “Nick was honest with Phil, and Phil flipped out. Don’t get mad at Nick,” she said sternly.

                Angel snapped his mouth shut and took Molly’s hand in his. He nodded tightly, not looking at me anymore. I mentally sighed.

                “Angel, where is Phil? I need to talk to him,” I said quietly.

                Angel sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him. I don’t even know if he’s at school today. He hates skipping school, but he does it when he’s really upset.”

                I winced a little. Oh Phil. Poor Phil. This was all my freaking fault! Oh my lanta. I should’ve just been honest with him right from the beginning. I should’ve just let him pound my face in. But no. I had to be my usual cowardly self, and now Phil was hurt because of it.

                The bell warning bell rang and I walked away from Molly and Angel. I searched the halls for Phil before going to first period.

                The day went slow until it was lunch time. I scanned the cafeteria and, seeing no sign of Phil, made my way outside. I sat at our usual table and waited until Molly and Angel had sat down with me.

                “Have you guys seen Phil at all today?” I asked.

                Angel and Molly shook their heads. Angel sighed. “I’ve been keeping a lookout for him, but I don’t think he’s here. He wasn’t in any of the classes we have together, and no one that I’ve asked has seen him.”

                I slumped my shoulders in defeat. Had I really hurt him that bad? Had I hurt him so much that he didn’t even want to come to school?

                I began to eat, falling silent. How was I supposed to get back together with Phil? He obviously wouldn’t trust me. I had lied to him and used him, after all.


                My head shot up and I stared at Angel in confusion. I followed his gaze and my eyes widened a little as Phil came outside.

                He sat down silently next to Angel. He didn’t look at any of us. He just sat there, staring off at nothing and drumming his fingers against the table.

                “Phil, where were you all day?” Angel demanded, smacking Phil in the arm to get his attention.

                Phil shrugged. “Around,” he said flatly.

                “Hey Phil…can I talk to you? Please?” I asked quietly.

                “No,” he said simply.

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