Be Alright. (a Justin Bieber story) *Chapter 3*

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I woke up the next morning and pretty much just rolled out of bed.  I got up and headed downstairs, hearing Justin laugh when I sat down on the couch. I picked up a pillow and then threw it at him.

“Ow!” He said and I laughed. “What was that for? I’m sure kids aren’t supposed to throw pillows at their dad. I think that’s a rule.”

“I threw it at you because you laughed. Jerk face,” I mumbled and Justin came over and sat beside me.

“I don’t think you’re allowed to call me jerk face. That’s another rule.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and got up, walking to the kitchen. “Dad, I heard you talking to Scooter. What was it about?”

Justin looked at me, walking over to where I was. Probably surprised that I called him dad. “Well, we must’ve been talking pretty loudly for you to hear it all the way upstairs. But anyway, we were talking about the Believe tour. And about you.” He says quietly … but I still heard it.

“Daddyyyyyyyyyy,” I singsong and he raises an eyebrow.

“Nevaehhhhhhh,” He singsongs in a mimicking tone and I laugh.

“Why were you talking about me?”

“Because you’re coming with us on the tour. We were discussing the room situation.” Justin says and I look at him, eyes wide and I’m just bewildered. D-d-did he just say that I’m going on tour with him? “Yes, I just said that you’re going on tour with me. And yes, you did say what you were thinking out loud.”

“How did you know what I was gonna ask?”

Justin smirks and messes up my hair. “Daughter, I know things.” I laughed and stood on my tip-toes, reaching up and messing up his hair.

“Now were even. Anyway, who else is going with us and when are we leaving?” I asked and Justin smiled.

“First of all, to answer your second question, we’re leaving at eleven thirty tonight. Second, the people going with us are my mom, Christian, Ryan, Scooter, Kenny, Alfredo and some other people. I’ll introduce you to them at the airport tonight. So I’d start packing now, if I were you.”


“Settle in Nevaeh, we have a long flight ahead of us,” Justin said to me, as we all got in the private jet. There were 8 of us, and 8 seats in the two sections of the plane, so we each got the seat across from us as an extra one. In the first section, it was Ryan, Christian, Dad and I at the front, then Pattie, Scooter, Kenny and Alfredo in the second section. Everyone else who was coming with us on the tour was already in Sydney, Australia, a place I’d never ever been to in my life.

“How long will we be stuck on here for?” I asked and Justin shook his head, not even answering. “Thanks Dad,” I said sarcastically and then looked over at Christian, a small smile forming on my face. I may or may not have this teeny little crush on him. “Christiannnnnnnnnnnn, how long is this flight?” I asked him and he shrugged.

“Around fourteen and a half hours. If you fall asleep it goes by faster,” smiles Christian and I feel blush creeping onto my cheeks. I look up at my dad, who’s smirking at me. I roll my eyes and pull out my iPod from my carry-on bag. Justin sat down next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and he kissed the top of my head, taking one of my earphones and putting it in his ear.

“Goodnight, Nev.”

“Goodnight, Daddy.” I yawned and slowly drifted off to sleep. 


I know the chapters in this story are short, but this way I can get the chapters up faster. Every once in while, the chapters might be long, but that will probably be rare. The average chapter will be about 1 page, occasionally two pages. 

Thanks for all the support!


Goal: 5 votes // 5 comments // 50 reads

Next upload: Monday, July 23rd

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