04 | nєνєr єn∂ιng

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A drug and a dream
A lost connection, oh come back to me

Chapter 04 ~ Never Ending

Bobby Cooper

    It was on very rare occasions that I could be found at any type of event or function without my best friend by my side. I didn't have many friends throughout my lifetime, and the ones that I did have always left just as quickly as they came. Ryan was the only friend that stayed through it all, through the thick and the thin, through the angry tantrums, and through all the tears. Because of all this, I was truly convinced we were going to be best friends for life. Nothing was ever going to tear us apart.

Except maybe for Ryan's parents, of course.

Over something as stupid and harmless as bringing alcohol to a party, Jamie and Scar were actively trying to make sure Ryan didn't have any fun for the next two weeks. As a result, he was unable to attend the highly anticipated event of the year–Carnival Week.

Ever since we were little, Ryan and I have been going to Summer Hill's annual week-long event. We never missed it for the world, so this was going to be the first year that we couldn't go together because of his parents' inability to let their son live a little. In a way, his parents were like mine—over-protective and super controlling.

And that really sucked ass.

Because instead of spending the day with my best friend, rigging all of the carnival games, illy talking about people who went to our school, and lusting after beautiful girls, I was stuck assisting Liza's with her fortune-telling booth. It was something that she had been raving about for the past few months because she had the opportunity to represent the dance team at this year's carnival, and she had the opportunity to put her interest in witchcraft and black magic to good use.

I watched carefully as my girlfriend finished reading a little boy's palm, relaying to him her depiction of his future and smiling as he walked away with his mother. I must've looked at her for a full minute before I scoffed, "Does that shit even work?"

She pushed her hair out from under her table and turned to face me, being sure that I saw her eyes roll into the back of her head. "It's not shit, Bobby. I can actually read fortunes."

I gaped at her. "I thought you were just telling people unrealistic things to make them happy."

"Well, yeah," she said as she gave me another eye roll and flipped her medium-length dirty blonde hair over her shoulder. "I couldn't actually tell that boy that he was going to grow up to be a murderer, so I said that he was going to become the president. It might steer his course."

The thought of the cute innocent boy growing up to be a mass murder entered my mind, and it made me laugh. "Okay, then read me."

She quirked a brow. "Serious?"


Something strange crossed over her facial expression, but before I could ask what it was, she grabbed onto my hands and held them out in front of her where she used her thumbs to slightly brush over my palms. Her eyes fluttered shut and she seemed to enter in a deep demon-like trance, making it clear that she took her "gifts" seriously—another trait that my parents hated about her.

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