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BIO of the characters!

Kim y/n:

18 yr old

College name : Art enterprise College

likes to play basketball,sing,and cook

hates arrogant people.

parents : still alive.

sister : still alive

Min Yoongi :

20 yr old

work as C.E.O. at "Suga enterprises"

arrogant,stubborn,likes to curse.

parents : died in a car crash

Kim Lauren :

y/n's sister

17 yr old

college name : Art Enterprise College

likes to party,drink,and shopping

a total bitch to y/n.

Jeon cherry :

y/n's bestfriend since she was 6

Jungkook's Little sister , heir to jeon's 2nd company "jeon's style and make up"

18 yr old

College name : Art enterprise College

likes to play with y/n , shopping,basketball.

and yeah this is the bio of the main characters! , hope you are going to like this ff!

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