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"Hello, my name is Y/n, I'm the android sent by cyberlife."

"Good, state your model."

"I'm an RK800 Prototype developed by-"

"Identification number"


"Good. Tell me about yourself."

"I'm a prototype detective android, female counterpart to the RK800 Connor Model. I have uploaded my memory -1- time since activation. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me, or a superior."

The man scans his checklist one more time,

"Alright, I think she's ready." He says to another employee beside him. The employee nods and approaches me.

"What's your Objective Y/n?" He asks.

"Currently, I have no assigned objective. If you have any tasks or cases you would like me to investigate, please provide access to the nearest data terminal, or you can tell me the information and case number and I can begin working."

"Alright, new objective Y/n, I want you to go to the DPD Headquarters, find Captain Fowler. He'll tell you what to do. Got it?"

"Yes..." I wait for him to offer me his name or title but he does not.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find the Detroit Police Station HQ, approach Captain Fowler and request a directive." I respond. The man nods and looks back at his partner,

"Alright, now go do it." He says. I nod and head to the door.


I approach the android at the reception.

"I'm looking for Captain Fowler." I say. She looks up at me,

"Do you have authorization?" She asks, I nod and transfer my authorization code to her.

"Great, Captain Fowler is in his office." She says. I smile and nod before walking away and heading towards Fowler's office. The station seems relatively quiet, I knock on Fowler's door and he rolls his eyes, but motions for me to come in.

"Hello, my name is y/n, I'm the android sent by Cyber-life to assist in an investigation."

"Right, well you're gonna have to wait for Lieutenant Anderson to get here, his desk is out there." He says, I nod,

"Thank you." I respond before exiting. I find the Lieutenant's desk and take a seat beside it. A moment later a scruffy looking man and another android approach me. He furrows his eyebrows.

"Hello, my name is Y/n, I'm the android sent by Cyber-Life." I say standing up to greet him.

"Right... I've already got one of those but thanks."

"I've been told to assist you in your case work, I was not informed that you already had a male RK800 working with you." The Connor Model looks at me strangely, "If you think there is a problem, or that I've been assigned to the wrong case I would suggest that you speak with a superior." I say, ignoring Connor's look.

"I sure fucking will." Hank responds, he turns away and goes to speak with Captain Fowler.

"I didn't know that there were other RK800 variations." Connor says. I nod, his LED blinks yellow for just a moment,

"If you have any information on the cases, I'd like to hear it." i say, taking a seat. Connor does the same.

"You may be assigned wrong, and I wouldn't want to share any confidential information." He responds.

"I understand." I say. Hank returns a little while later, looking frustrated.

"You're on the case." He huffs, "But you're not with me." I tilt my head, waiting for an explanation. "You're with Officer Gavin Reed, he's over there." Hank nods toward him. Connors LED flashes yellow again, and he creases his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry for the miscommunication Lieutenant, thank you." I say before standing up and approaching Officer Reed.

"Hello, my name is Y/n, I'm the android sent by Cyber-life. I'll be your partner for the time-being." I say for the 5th time, Reed laughs.

"Is this some sort of joke?" He says. I shake my head,

"No, i'm afraid not. If you have any questions-" I begin but Gavin stands up abruptly and shoves me hard, then storms off towards Captain Fowler's office. I fix my jacket and shirt before taking a seat at the desk next to him and accessing the terminal. I glance over at Connor and Hank, Connor is already looking at me. I look away and try to refocus on the task at hand. It looks like Officer Reed is investigating deviancy, which would explain why I've been assigned to the case. I wonder if Anderson and Connor are also investigating the same thing. It does seem to be a pretty big problem based on the amount of files I've scanned. I look up to see Officer Reed slamming the door behind him as he leaves Captain Fowler's office.

He approaches me and grabs the collar of my shirt, lifting me out of the chair.

"You listen here you plastic piece of shit, I'm not your partner, I'm your fucking boss. You don't do jack-shit unless I tell you to. Got it." He says pushing me back.



"I'm sorry officer, but I've been assigned this case, and I intend to investigate it." I say calmly.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. I control you bitch, investigate the case fine, but don't get in my way, don't tell me what to do, and don't try to act like you're better than me." He says harshly. "Go get me a coffee." He sits down and starts his computer up. I decide that, in order to avoid confrontation, It would be best to do as he says.


Connor's POV

I watch as Y/n rights her uniform and heads to the break room, I had seen her LED blinking yellow. She must have been deciding whether or not to listen to Officer Reed.

"Poor girl." Hank says, he had been watching the altercation as well.

"She may not be able to accomplish her mission with an uncooperative partner." I say.

"Yeah, that and she might get the shit beat out of her." Hank says, watching as she returns with a cup of coffee and places it on Officer Reed's desk. He ignores her, and she sits down at her terminal.

"Captain Fowler should speak with Officer Reed, to make sure he knows it would be detrimental to the investigation, and expensive for the department if an Android was destroyed by an employee." I say, I can't help but watch her. Hank looks at me.

"Yeah.... he should." He sighs, before turning back to his terminal.

"Lieutenant, why didn't you want me to chase the deviant on the highway this morning?" I question, finally turning away from Y/n and towards him.

"Cause you could've gotten killed Connor!... And like you just said.. it would be 'detrimental to the investigation, and expensive for the department'" Hank responds. I nod, and return to our case load.

Deviant By Design (ConnorxReader)Where stories live. Discover now