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-Y/N's POV-

Markus stands before the masses, Connor and I are off to the side watching. 

Suddenly, I'm in the Zen Garden, snow is swirling and rushing around me. I blink and catch my breath, still shocked by how quick and violent the transition here had been. I cover my head and walk towards a figure I can just make out through the blizzard. 

"Amanda?" I shout over the wind, she turns around smiling. I shake my head, confused, 

"What's going on?" I ask. 

"You've completed your mission Y/N." Amanda says calmly. 

"What?" I say, nearly tripping through the snow to get closer to her. 

"You turned Connor deviant, helped him locate Jericho, and now he's in the perfect place to complete his mission." She says. 

"I- I don't understand..." I say, my eyes searching for some kind of explanation. 

"What's not to understand? You were designed for this, you should be happy, CyberLife is very pleased with how this turned out." Amanda smiles and then she's gone, and I'm back in the streets of Detroit. I inhale sharply, looking to Connor. His hand is reaching for his holstered gun and I finally understand. CyberLife wanted Connor to deviate so he could get close enough to Markus to end the revolution, and they used me to make him deviant, they made me just to give him that motivation, the extra push. I go to stop him but i can't move, and then when I do, I'm backing away from Markus and Connor, I don't know where I'm going but I don't have control over myself, It's like I'm just spectating. I watch myself walk away from the crowd and into an abandoned building nearby, and then I'm back in the Zen Garden. 

"Amanda!" I shout, stumbling through the snow. "AMANDA!" I collapse, and struggle stand. 

-Connor's POV-

I'm standing behind Markus, Y/N is beside me. He begins speaking, but I miss what he says because I'm suddenly in the Zen Garden. I gasp a bit in my surprise, a blizzard is raging around me. I shuffle through the snow. Amanda stands before me. 

"Amanda?" I say, trying to get closer to her, "Amanda!" She turns around. "Whats-What's going on?" I ask, my arms wrapped around myself against the wind. 

"What was planned from the very beginning." She says smiling, "You were compromised and you became deviant. We just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your programming."

"Resume control?... You- You can't do that!" I shout in frustration.

"I'm afraid I can Connor. Don't have any regrets, you did what you were designed to do... with some help from your counterpart, you accomplished your mission." She says. My counterpart? Y/n? She was designed to turn me deviant... I look up but Amanda is gone. 

"AMANDA!" I yell, running towards the spot she had been before. The Zen Garden is empty except for me. I turn in a circle. 

"There's got to be a way..." I say to myself. I stumble through the snow searching. Suddenly it comes to me, that day at Kamski's house, he told me that he always leaves an emergency exit in his program.

-Y/N's POV- 

I try to pull myself out of the snow, but it's like it's grabbing onto me, every time I stand I take a few steps and find myself on the ground again. 

I flash back to the real world. I'm standing in a darkened building, I can see the street through the storefront windows but Markus and the deviants are out of view. I try again to control my own body but I can't

"You're useless now Y/N." Amanda says, I'm back in the Zen Garden as soon as I look up to see who had spoken. "You could come back to CyberLife for disassembly but why risk it? Especially when it's so easy to make you deactivate yourself." She says smiling.

"What?" I say, but as the word leaves my lips I'm back in the abandoned building. I watch myself reach for my pistol, raising it to my own chin. 

"NO!" I shout, the word is lost in a flurry of snow, I'm back to the Zen Garden again. I shout in frustration. "NO! Stop it! You can't do that!" I cry, collapsing into the snow and slamming my fists into the ground. "Stop it, stop it, please!" I say through labored breaths. 

-Connor's POV-

I watch myself pull my gun from it's holster, I had been so close to the escape Kamski has spoken about, I can't bare to watch myself shoot Markus in the back. I try to regain control of myself, and then I'm back in the Zen Garden. I let out a cry of relief before reaching up towards the emergency exit from where I had fallen in the snow. 

I'm back in my own body, I try to put the gun away as nonchalantly as possible. I look to see if Y/N had noticed but she isn't there. I furrow my brow, looking around. If she was designed to turn me deviant, than she's completed her mission, in most cases that would mean she'd me assigned a new one. But in the process she had turned deviant too, and something tells me she won't be getting a new mission. I look down, her footprints are still in the light dusting of snow, they are faint but I can follow them. I back away from the crowd and turn a corner, before running in the same direction as her prints. 

She hadn't been there, at Kamski's, she doesn't know about the emergency escape in the programming. I have a feeling her next directive will be her last and she'll have no control over whether or not she completes it or not. 

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