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Dedicated to Lena, because she's an amazing writer with diverse characters, and makes the best funny pictures, lol. I definitely recommend you check out When Best Friends Kiss, its recently released sequel When Best Friends Grow, and all her other books! (Here you go: Lena-Presents)

So many people. There were so. Many. People.

The parking lot and area leading up to the school building looked like a gigantic ants' nest, crawling with movement. It felt like there was something crawling in the pit of my stomach, too.

Dad must've had the same overwhelmed experiences after leaving the countryside, but he said nothing. Instead, it was Chiara who turned around in her seat to give me some encouraging words.

"Paul saw that you and Atticus both start with English class!" she said. "So, if you don't remember where the classroom on your schedule is, Atticus will walk you there."

"Ah, thanks." I looked at Atticus, but he just stared at his mom, nodding at her rather than acknowledging my presence.

Atticus hadn't suddenly become more talkative this morning at the breakfast table, nor in the car. He replied when I said good morning or asked him a direct question, but otherwise he was a closed book. I wondered if he simply didn't talk a lot, ever.

"Remember to go to the administration office first," Dad warned me for the third time that morning.

"Yes, I will, Dad," I replied for the third time, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Thanks for the ride, Chiara!"

Once Atticus, Dad, and I were out of the car, Chiara honked and drove off.

Atticus promptly started walking, and I assumed I was supposed to follow him. He didn't say so, but then again, he didn't talk in general. As we zigzagged and pushed through the crowd, I tried to have a conversation one more time.

"There are a lot of students here compared to home," I told Atticus. I'd hardly ever seen so many people together all at once, let alone in one hallway. Like sardines in a can.

"Two thousand," Atticus said, speaking for what felt like the first time that morning.


Also, for the first time that morning, Atticus glanced my way. "Students attending Pinewood."

I breathed out audibly. Two thousand? That was literally more students than the entire population of Greensboro. "I see."

We made it to the administration, and after stating my name and handing in my file, I received a locker key from a guy who kept chewing gum even as he spoke. He hardly took his eyes off his phone, and I guessed I didn't need to count on any explanations about where my locker was located. I'd find it myself, later.

Atticus leaned against the wall just outside the office with crossed arms and wordlessly started walking again when he saw me coming out. A few cramped hallways later, we came to a halt in front of classroom.

"It's in here," Atticus said, pointing at the open door.

"Why are you still walkin' then?" I asked, as he went right past the room.


"Alright, can I save you a seat?"

Atticus abruptly came to a halt, this time establishing eye contact with me for longer than a fraction of a second before speaking. "I'm showing you were things are because Mom and Paul asked me to. That's it."

The 'so don't bother me' was silent, yet still clearly received, and Atticus' bluntness left me speechless for a moment. He wasn't kidding, either. He stared me down, not a trace of humour in his expression.

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